Austrian president Thomas Klestil insists common European values of democracy and pluralism will continue to apply.
This, too, succeeded in rupturing old pieties, opening architecture to a paroxysm of experimental pluralism.
But he is a democrat and is well-known for his pluralism and liberal views.
Put simply, religious pluralism, tolerance and freedom can help promote stability, security, development and democratic progress.
He places his own emphasis more on the pluralism and tolerance of the founders.
Israeli books sometimes contained stories that promoted pluralism and co-existence and contained positive images of Arabs.
Mr. Mohammed and his ally deployed Quranic verses that suggest an embrace of pluralism.
The neo-Islamists, as the reformers call themselves, claim they can reconcile western-style pluralism with Islamic teachings.
Their chance came in 1989 when Algeria's military establishment decided it was safe to experiment with pluralism.
The UNESCO Chair in Education for Pluralism, Human Rights and Democracy was established at the University of Ulster in 1999.
The problem of how to define the continent's new geography testifies to the pluralism of the new order.
The UNESCO Chair concentrates on the themes of education for pluralism, human rights and democracy, in local, national and international contexts.
This is a government that is dedicated to pluralism and rule of law.
Rather than being hailed as a model for pluralism, Iraq is widely seen as a chaos to be avoided.
World Radio day recognizes the critical role of radio in development, through its contribution to media pluralism and democratic governance.
When India and the United States meet, it is a moment to celebrate the values of democracy, pluralism, liberty, and freedom.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
Proponents say the charitable tax deduction opens up new avenues, paying for itself by providing a pluralism that would otherwise be unavailable.
Pluralism is about providing maximum choice and participation in news and views.
This is nothing less than a recipe for a completely new mode of politics with in the UK. Pluralism will become the norm.
Many political scientists argue that the traditional view that pressure groups create a healthy democratic pluralism is nearer the mark than Olson's thesis.
Hence, if there is a less restrictive method to satisfy legitimate regulatory purposes, more restrictive methods fail the standards that protect pluralism and free expression.
Malaysia must not deviate from upholding the pluralism, tolerance and understanding that are the hallmark of a civil, democratic, multireligious, multicultural and polyglot society.
The habit of tolerance and pluralism will not easily be inculcated.
His government is helping to set up the new pluralism centre.
Moreover, it will provide real insight into the cultural diversity of the nation, its history, identity and knowledge, thereby, advancing the spirit of cultural pluralism .
This is why, more than ever before, public service television should be strengthened to ensure that freedom of thought and expression, pluralism and accountability are protected.
Learning should also focus on the values, attitudes and behaviors which enable individuals to learn to live together in a world characterized by diversity and pluralism.
Given Russia's new pluralism, it is hard to imagine the Kremlin regaining the iron control it had in the Soviet era, even if it wanted to.
As soon as he comes to power Mr. Correa will proceed to dismantle political pluralism in Ecuador and will move in the direction set by Hugo Chavez.
Such international agreements set out a platform that links together the issues of cultural diversity, peace and development, and the role of the state in fostering pluralism.