• He compares plutocracy in modern America to its forerunners in 17th-century Holland and 19th-century Britain.

    ECONOMIST: The moneying of America

  • Viewed from this angle, libertarianism is actually far more hostile to knee-jerk plutocracy than either Krugman or Kotkin might think.

    FORBES: Preachers, Plutocrats, and Grover Norquist: But Where's The GOP Soul?

  • The maker of incredibly expensive carriages of the plutocracy fared far better than BMW and Aston Martin, which produce cars for the wealthy.

    ECONOMIST: Producers of luxury goods are suffering in the downturn

  • The estate tax offers a modest counterweight against the development of a new plutocracy to rival the industrial barons of America's Gilded Age.

    ECONOMIST: How to improve an unpopular tax

  • It's a book that deserves to be read and debated by all sides of the spectrum as it speaks to a concern that the majority of Americans can share: If money makes you a "super citizen"--someone who is more aggressively engaged in politics, more able to place your children in the right schools, the right circles, the right non-paying internships--are we headed toward plutocracy, irrespective of party allegiances?


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