In addition to having a relationship with a podiatrist, all diabetics should get an annual examination by ophthalmologist.
Most diabetic patients should have their toenails professionally cut by a podiatrist or a pedicurist trained by a podiatrist.
Dr. Richard Delmonte, a Manhattan podiatrist, is a big believer in office-based surgery.
The podiatrist pointed out that there are many examples of people who heel strike without problems, most famously Joan Benoit.
"It might revolutionize the way we treat heel pain, " says Massachusetts podiatrist Lloyd Smith, president-elect of the American Podiatric Medical Association.
Women pair their Sunday best with heels that would make a podiatrist cringe, as they strut by, ogling the latest handbag collections.
The author is an avuncular podiatrist in New York named Murray Weisenfeld.
Most physicians would strongly suggest that a diabetic patient see a podiatrist on a regular basis for routine foot care and for examinations.
Shoes should flex where your foot bends, said Noreen Oswell, a podiatrist at The Foot Center at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Towers in Los Angeles.
He talks to his mom--who apparently is more proud of another son, a podiatrist--every morning at 6:30 a.m. from his new residence in the Bahamas.
The first podiatrist Ms. Ngo saw advised against surgery, saying she should only do it if she suffered from a lot of pain, not for cosmetic reasons.
WSJ: Young People Also Weigh Surgery to Relieve Ugly, Painful Bunions
Does your podiatrist need access to your reproductive health history?
Every diabetic needs ongoing visits to a physician to handle general diabetes treatment, a podiatrist for foot care, an ophthalmologist for eye exams and a dentist to monitor for gum and tooth disease.
"I think it's very hard, if not impossible, to change body mechanics, " said Dr. Perry Julien, a podiatrist who has treated Olympic runners and serves as the co-medical director of the world's biggest 10K, the Atlanta Peachtree Road Race.
Many insurance companies won't pay for a diabetic to see a nutritionist to learn how to eat properly or a podiatrist to get their feet checked, but if you wind up having to have your foot amputated from complications due to diabetes, the insurance company will pay for that.