• His followers have been implicated in hundreds of murders, notably in a 1993 anti-Muslim pogrom.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • Inexplicably, he alludes only in passing to the 1915 Ottoman pogrom against the Armenians in Anatolia.

    ECONOMIST: Turkish history (2)

  • She said recent attacks on the Alliance Party bore "all the hallmarks of a pogrom".

    BBC: Police car petrol-bombed opposite MP Naomi Long's office

  • On April 27th the Supreme Court ordered an investigation into his role in a grisly episode in this pogrom.

    ECONOMIST: The BJP enjoys an optimistic moment

  • Some members partly blame the setback on the stigma of the Gujarat pogrom.

    ECONOMIST: Sectarian tension in India

  • If this sounds as if the Nazis meant the resulting two-day pogrom better known as Kristallnacht to look spontaneous, it was anything but.

    WSJ: Book Review: The Short, Strange Life of Herschel Grynszpan

  • Much of the continued militancy in the Punjab is today funded by overseas Sikhs, many of whom fled the pogrom that erupted after Gandhi's death.

    CNN: Looking Back

  • There followed, in parts of Gujarat, a pogrom against Muslims.

    ECONOMIST: Indian democracy

  • The first conference, held in Durban, South Africa in September 2001, is mainly remembered as a diplomatic pogrom against Israel and Jews which complemented the shooting war in Israel.


  • While tonight you commemorate a Jewish pogrom, I told them, Christianity has just suffered its own "Kristallnacht" ... and I have yet to see much of a Christian response.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: In Egypt, Christians endure their 'Kristallnacht'

  • The pogrom against them, coming on the heels of the murderous strife in Ambon, capital of the eastern Maluku province, has Indonesians fearing that their nation's already fragile fabric is tearing.


  • Within 24 hours, the killings by security forces had sparked savage riots and an anti-Chinese pogrom that turned Jakarta into a war zone, forced out President Suharto and altered the destiny of a nation.


  • It is true that a pogrom against the Muslim minority, which makes up about 4% of the population, would be far more dangerous to this ambition than the junta's disregard for other human rights.

    ECONOMIST: Myanmar: The Buddha cracks | The

  • OBAMA'S SPOKESMEN and defenders claim that by participating in the planning sessions in Geneva, the administration is doing nothing more than attempting to prevent the conference from being the anti-Jewish diplomatic pogrom it was in 2001.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's Durban gambit

  • The party also fielded, in more than 50 rallies, one of its most controversial figures, Narendra Modi, chief minister of Gujarat, where his state government was accused of complicity in an appalling anti-Muslim pogrom two years ago.

    ECONOMIST: Return of the Gandhi dynasty

  • Milosevic's relentless pogrom in Kosovo ensures that.


  • Based partly on the interrogation of 21 people arrested in connection with the earlier bombings (and assuming that the latest bombs are a continuation of them), they blame a campaign of retribution for last year's anti-Muslim pogrom in the state of Gujarat.

    ECONOMIST: India

  • Young voters, Dalits (once untouchables), even Sikhs, who have not forgotten a Congress-inspired pogrom against them in 1984 (after the murder by her Sikh bodyguards of Rajiv's mother, Indira Gandhi), flocked back to the party that ruled India for most of its first 50 years of independence.

    ECONOMIST: Congress is poised to return to power, but not just yet

  • It was in November 1938 the darkest, most ominous year for the Jews of Europe in eighteen centuries that the worst pogrom in modern history, Kristallnacht, was instigated by the Nazis all across Germany: synagogues incinerated, the residences and businesses of Jews destroyed, and, throughout a night presaging the monstrous future, Jews by the thousands forcibly taken from their homes and transported to concentration camps.

    NPR: Roth Rewrites History with a 'Plot Against America'

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