They are easy tunes to play but pointless in anything other than the very short-term.
It's an extra level of protection that makes it pointless to even try to break in.
Coverdells can also be used for K-12 private schools, but even there seem rather pointless.
Lord Lawson said that would be as pointless in future as it had been then.
According to Obama, a new emphasis on domestic jobs starts with yet another pointless world tour.
Round and round it goes, herky-jerky, gliding across the floor, somewhat transfixing, but utterly pointless.
He told the paper that injunctions "don't work, they're completely pointless and unbelievably expensive".
BBC: extends deal to broadcast Wimbledon until at least 2017
But taking video close up on the field level kind of makes that strategizing pointless.
"People know they are coming into Bournemouth so it's pointless putting it up, " she said.
Kremlin officials dismiss talk of dead ends as pointless whining and alarmism from liberals.
The reason is that if you go past the last minute the petition becomes pointless.
FORBES: Tax Court Denies Late Petition Sent FedEx Express Saver
Never mind that this is mostly pointless: if the hard disk crashes, both partitions are lost.
FORBES: With Rise Of Consumer Mobile Devices, We're All CIOs Now
Putting up regulatory road blocks might delay the denouement, but ultimately those efforts are pointless.
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It is pointless for commissioners to act unilaterally, he said, without a change in public opinion.
People voting with their feet is a great, effortless way to cut pointless projects.
Assuming that the Czechs have by then ratified the treaty, that would be dangerous and pointless.
Isn't it a bit pointless testing children when the teaching standards are so low?
Meanwhile, Iran hopes to convince the world that pressing for suspension of enrichment is pointless.
It will not, therefore, waste its energy on pointless scavenging for food that isn't there.
The result is an absurd combination of creative accounting, pointless penny-pinching and helpless inaction.
Making matters worse, international donors, sickened by a pointless war, are not in a generous mood.
Mr McCain says it is pointless to argue over whether America should have invaded.
That is why budgets of all the themes for all the people are pointless.
But it seemed harsh and pointless to confront Sara and Rich with this now.
Hence national self-sufficiency is, then and now, pointless and irrelevant to any consuming nation's security.
They couldn't find a news line, and thought it was pointless holding such a gathering without one.
The nihilist antics of early Dada were to him and others a just response to pointless slaughter.
So this will probably be about the most pointless thing you can do with the new iPhone.
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It is easy but pointless to get into a debate on which is the best coaching approach.
One test of a cancer surgeon is knowing when surgery is pointless and when to forge ahead.