"We're approaching obesity from many points of view, " says Kari Stefansson , chief executive of DeCode.
There are many different points of view on what went down, and it just won't die.
Left-wing points of view are typically the dominating theme in this liberal corner of the city.
He tells you honestly where he stands, and he listens closely to other points of view.
The first is to create speeches that seriously take in the opposing points of view.
We recognize and respect that there are other points of view and other opinions about this.
The fact is, America is a nation of different beliefs and different points of view.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: End the Sequester to Keep Growing the Economy | The White House
Ted.com is one of my favorite sources for hearing thoughtful, informed and divergent points of view!
There are many points of view as to what constitutes the basis of a lasting relationship.
He put out statements on both, and they have divergent points of view on this question.
But as a means of communicating directly our points of view, I think it is useful.
Jeremy fronts the quiz show Eggheads and the audience complaint programme Points of View.
Analysts took away different views of the speech, depending on their points of view.
CNN: Romney draws boos from NAACP, support from conservatives
Note to the media: All points of view on scientific and technological issues are not created equal.
Reveal where you are least clear in your thinking, and stay open to different points of view.
Because science (including the science of gender change) remains incompatible with most fundamentalist religious points of view.
As business leaders, we need to make a habit of exposing ourselves to divergent points of view.
You must enter the experience of another to find a way to accommodate both points of view.
As that name suggests, this series is focused on bringing people together with different points of view.
You have to seek out tough-minded, iconoclastic, critical points of view that bother to do some independent reporting.
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These changes in the relative standing of the macrocaps reveal deep- seated points of view on name-brand equities.
We look forward to engaging with audiences as we discover new voices, new points of view and new perspectives.
How to get different points of view and how to broaden your perspective.
And the disconfirmation bias, in which we vigorously dispute arguments, information, and points of view that contradict our own.
These are both very smart people, and there is probably room for both points of view to be true.
Stockholders, bondholders, customers, suppliers, employees, the press and communities have their own ways of making their points of view known.
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One of the strongest points of view I came across recently was Robert Neuwirth on his squatter town blog.
FORBES: 7 Ways To Improve Your Social Media Skills And Influence
They have a knack for sorting through large amounts of information and opposing points of view to settle on a decision.
It follows the collapse of the five-year marriage between an aspiring novelist and a budding actress from both points of view.
Cable TV and the blogosphere is rife with forecasts multiple forecasts every day from all sorts of people and points of view.