That option is off the table and left-right polarisation has returned, at least temporarily.
After a year of political polarisation, the floods have created an unfamiliar feeling of national unity.
Still more worrying, the election result was evidence of enduring racial polarisation in South Africa.
Reflecting Iran's stark polarisation, government supporters and opponents accused each other of desecrating Hosein's memory.
For the time being, officials in China seem more concerned about the polarisation of wealth.
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But a traditional repeater destroys the quantum states of the photons, such as their planes of polarisation.
Polarisation will also lead to a vast number of takeovers, as the strongest firms fill the niches.
Second, they can helplessly watch polarisation within Pakistan get worse, possibly leading to a coup or regime change.
Channel 4's "superhumans" tag has just caused polarisation and too many Paralympians say they don't see themselves as disabled.
If Eve taps into the line and intercepts the key, she disturbs the photons when she measures their polarisation.
ECONOMIST: Secure cryptography is only as safe as its weakest link
These should have been imprinted on the fossil light in its polarisation.
He said improvements to the towers and the telecommunication links at all the towers would take place before dual-polarisation was installed.
No wonder Angela Merkel on Monday said she was worried about polarisation.
In places with gerrymandered districts, the outcome could even be more polarisation.
The reality in question admittedly rather a small part of the universe was the polarisation of pairs of photons, the particles of which light is made.
He calls for Congress to give more power to whichever party is in the minority, which is laudable but inconceivable in this age of political polarisation.
Mr Khamenei sees the incumbent president as a loyalist and ideological ally, yet is also sensitive to the danger that political polarisation poses to his Islamic regime.
ECONOMIST: Reformists will struggle in the presidential race in Iran
That is a result of increasing polarisation between the two big parties, which has led to blocked and unresponsive legislatures and so bred a yearning to circumvent them.
BJP-led government in Delhi has less to gain from polarisation.
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Political polarisation is part and parcel of the, as yet, unofficial election campaign - and not all of it is directed against the other side on the ethnic divide.
Controversial presidential decrees have impacted on the country's institutions owing to the polarisation that ensued between the ruling Muslim Brotherhood, from which Mr Morsi hails, and the liberal opposition.
BBC: Egypt finance: Qatar steps in to ease Cairo cash crisis
Last summer's war completed a growing polarisation between two factions of roughly equal number, Shias and their Christian allies, and Mr Siniora's grouping of Sunni Muslims, Druze and anti-Syrian Christians.
Quantum key distribution does this by encoding the information in the polarisation states of individual photons, the particles of light, which are sent from Alice to Bob over an optical fibre.
ECONOMIST: Secure cryptography is only as safe as its weakest link
The devices developed by the Georgia Tech researchers rely on a different physical phenomenon - tiny polarisation changes when so-called "piezoelectric" materials such as zinc oxide are moved or placed under strain.
The report condemns the polarisation between those who are able to take advantage of the benefits of economic globalisation and technological advances like the Internet, and those forced to suffer its effects.
They warned that if Chinese voters continue to support the opposition at the state and national level, it would lead to greater polarisation among the Malay, Chinese and Indians in the country.
In this case, however, the light is polarised in a different linear direction for each eye, so as to match the polarisation of the two side-by-side projectors used to show the film.
Hamas used to be based in the city and close to the regime, but has shifted allegiance to Qatar under the strain of the Syrian crisis and mounting Sunni-Shia polarisation in the region.
Andreas Schleicher, the OECD's special adviser on education, says a long-term characteristic of the UK's education system has been social division - with a polarisation between the results of rich and poor pupils.
There has been polarisation to the extremes, a refusal by many to engage with the country's basic economic dilemmas, taking refuge instead in fundamentalist ideas about the country's ills, and the search for scapegoats.