In his polemic he attacks the six principal claims of the influential anti-global left.
The talk produced the polemic bite, the topical excitement that made the Review worth reading.
First off, discussing pay gaps is highly polemic because we confuse pay gaps with inequality in general.
Unlike astronomy or particle physics, paleontology is still a vigorous mixture of acquisitiveness, showmanship, speculation, and polemic.
Hayek wrote a best-selling polemic railing against economic planning, The Road to Serfdom, shortly after World War II.
In one polemic case earlier this year that garnered much media attention, St.
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Taxes in America is no polemic for tax reform, but it is a powerful brief for such an effort.
Ms Hvistendahl's history is marred by the occasional lapses into self-righteousness and polemic.
So, too, was Donald Horne's caustic polemic, The Lucky Country, which is arguably post-war Australia's most influential work of non-fiction.
By a man who takes his scientific evidence from a polemic film.
In the 1970s, when Ms Showalter herself started writing about women's literature, many critics thought they had to counter this trend with feminist polemic.
But such policy dilemmas are too subtle for Mr Carpenter's polemic.
The book is a polemic, and its main target is what Mr de Waal takes to be a distorted idea of human life as relentlessly selfish and ruthlessly competitive.
And its author, a British journalist, acknowledges that before he decided to write this polemic, he never spent much time thinking about food or felt the need to watch food programs.
WSJ: Bruce Palling on Food: Taking a Bite Out of Foodie Culture
He took up fierce criticism of the EU and the single currency in the hope that his anti-EU-polemic will camouflage his lack of ideas for how to deal with the economic downturn.
Even Gordon Brown, who as a young Labour MP wrote an anti-Thatcher polemic called "where there's greed", was delighted to welcome her on the steps of Number 10 when he became prime minister.
Mr Robertson, who wrote a book, The Dawkins Letter, in response to the scientist's The God Delusion, claimed Prof Dawkins' visit was not to promote science but to "advance a polemic", or controversial argument.
Not all concrete ideals of the post-war building boom have survived, Alison and Peter Smithson's polemic Robin Hood Gardens in east London is not long for this life, despite the protestations of the architectural elite.
Tate, Keith David, and Bokeem Woodbine put a great deal of heart into their performances, but because the characters are little more than types the film turns into one more indict-the-system polemic with little emotional pull.
These will be enjoyable for those who like philosophical polemic, but they do little to dispel the impression that Mr Searle and some of his critics fail to give a rational account of why they disagree.