Police Deputy Chief Ed Tomba said it was the only opportunity they ever had to escape.
British Transport Police deputy chief constable Paul Crowther said metal theft remained a serious threat to infrastructure in England and Wales.
"We have no information that the family knew this individual or that the individual knew any members of the family, " Los Angeles Police Deputy Chief Kirk Albanese said.
The three Castro brothers were together when they were arrested, at which time authorities felt "we had enough probable cause to bring them into custody, " Cleveland police Deputy Chief Ed Tomba said.
That explosion wounded three police officers but no one was killed, said Deputy Police Chief Rais Khan Abdul Rahimzai.
Her children visit often, stay in touch with the medical team and divvy up responsibilities: Larry Crowe, an Indianapolis police officer, gets her to doctor's appointments, while Lloyd Crowe, a deputy police chief, works on her finances.
Police believe Ariel Castro was the only one of the brothers who lived at the home, Cleveland's Deputy Police Chief Ed Tomba told reporters late Monday.
Sangin Deputy Police Chief Qhattab Khan admitted this abuse is taking place, and promised to take action.
Logar deputy police chief Rais Khan Abdul Rahimzai said the helicopter is owned by a company named Khaorasan.
On Friday, they boarded up his Seymour Avenue home to preserve the crime scene, said Cleveland's deputy police chief Ed Tomba.
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Two others, identified as his brothers, ages 50 and 54, also have been arrested, Deputy Police Chief Ed Tomba told reporters late Monday.
The bodies had no injury marks, local deputy police chief Imran Bhuiyan told AFP, prompting speculation the men had been thrown into the water alive.
Meanwhile, security companies in Afghanistan have been asked to provide a list of their employees to the government, said Alishah Ahmadzai, Kabul's deputy police chief.
And on August 7th Pale's deputy police chief, Srdjan Knezevic, a recent convert to Mrs Plavsic's cause, was shot dozens of times outside his home.
Deputy Police Chief Ed Tomba, at a press conference Wednesday, said investigators over the past 10 years have often asked themselves whether they missed a significant angle.
Mr Kilpatrick's reaction has been defiance: he has denied the party ever took place, fired the deputy police chief for investigating the charges and made cracks about disposing of some journalists.
That same day, Baghdad's deputy police chief was assassinated.
Authorities did not detail the number of civilians killed, but they did confirm the deaths of seven police, including the chief and deputy chief of the national police's special operations unit.
Deputy provincial police chief Ziaull Rahman Faiez said authorities were still investigating the cause.
The former deputy chief police officer in Jersey has called for a UK police force to investigate claims Jimmy Savile abused children on the island.
The two other former police officials, retired Deputy Chief of Patrol John Hunter and retired Seventh Precinct Squad Deputy Supervisor Alan Sharpe, are awaiting trial.
Lenny Harper, the former deputy chief police officer who led the inquiry, said the government had too much control and someone was needed with an outside perspective.
His second term was marred by additional scandal including a 2007 civil lawsuit brought against Kilpatrick by his ex-bodyguard Harold Nelthrope and former Deputy Chief Police Gary Brown.
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The 48-year-old joins the force from West Yorkshire Police where he has been deputy chief constable since 2008.
BBC: David Crompton appointed new South Yorkshire Police chief
Richard Crompton joined Lincolnshire Police in August 2004 as Deputy Chief Constable having worked in Cumbria and Devon and Cornwall.
Cleveland Police has appointed a new deputy chief constable to replace Derek Bonnard, who was sacked in March for gross misconduct.
Deputy chief of Dhaka police Shyami Mukherjee said the two were accused of causing "death due to negligence".
Four senior police officers - including Northamptonshire's chief constable and deputy chief constable - are being investigated over misconduct claims relating to Staffordshire Police's investigation into the murder.
The internal hearing will be held by the Deputy Chief Constable of Humberside Police Steve Love.
David Griffin, Deputy Chief Constable of Humberside Police, has been awarded the Queen's Police Medal.