And a police patrol was struck in the southern neighborhood of Saydiyah, wounding six.
Mr. STEVE KILLIAN (President, Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Association): Cambridge police are not stupid.
In late June, an army and police patrol sent to the area was ambushed.
Also, a police patrol may get two calls per day in one Moscow district, and 20 in another.
The clash happened when a police patrol came under rebel fire in Sukma district early on Tuesday, police said.
Daisy's father, Pc Ian Godfrey, died when a taxi collided with his police patrol car at Swansea in 1999.
Sanitation police patrol the beaches to prevent vendors from serving already-pink shrimp that have not been cooked in front of the purchaser.
The city's 800 traffic police patrol every major junction, as traffic lights do not function properly because of frequent power cuts.
Meanwhile a roadside bomb struck an Iraqi police patrol in northeastern Baghdad Monday, wounding five people, the Interior Ministry said.
CNN: Iraq: Businessman killed as attacks on Christians continue
" Those stop-and-frisk encounters were made outside private buildings in the Bronx participating in a police patrol program known as "Operation Clean Halls.
According to Wright, officers also woke his three young children, ages 3, 7, and 11, and put them in a Stockton police patrol car with him.
FORBES: US Department of Education Orders Raid on Innocent Family
When Rihanna's Hollywood Hills home was swatted last week, the dispatcher suspected it was a hoax, so just one police patrol car was initially sent, LAPD Cmdr.
But within a week of the explosion, Llewelyn was under arrest, after a police patrol noted the registration of the car hired by the student in Aberystwyth.
Hours later, a third roadside bomb struck an Iraqi police patrol in Baghdad's western Ghazaliya neighborhood, wounding five people -- two police officers and three bystanders -- the ministry said.
In Ciudad Juarez a taskforce of thousands of federal army soldiers, federal police and municipal police patrol the streets under direct orders from the president of Mexico to bring the violence under control.
As it turns out, when a police patrol prevents a robbery on 125th Street on Tuesday night, opportunistic robbers don't just find other victims on 140th Street, or try again on Wednesday night.
Navy officers in white uniforms strolled along the sidewalk next to the beach, machine-gun carrying Federal Police officers peered down from the back of pick-up trucks, and municipal police patrol cars circled the oceanfront.
FORBES: Drug War Dilemma: Fighting to Improve Security AND Boost Tourism in Acapulco, Mexico
"Police patrol the area quite regularly and order the boy racers out of the area, but as soon as the police disappear the drivers come back - it becomes a game to them, " said Mr Thomas.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Group forms to combat boy racers
Columns of police on patrol and atop scooters monitored the march, but as dusk fell, it appeared largely peaceful.
Landlords who enroll in the decades-old program, also known as the "Trespass Affidavit Program, " authorize police to patrol inside their privately owned buildings.
Dr Murphy said seeing more police on patrol in communities was "far and away" the biggest issue for people he had met during the election campaign.
BBC: West Mercia police election: PCSOs can be 'better used'
Police will patrol the scene of the robbery, one week on from the attack, and speak to passers-by and motorists in the hope they can help with the investigation.
Diary entries of a sailor named Roald Amundson confirm clear passage in 1903, as do those of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Arctic patrol crew that made regular trips through there in the early 1940s.
Starting on December 24, 2012 the municipal police officers who patrol the beaches stopped carrying weapons.
FORBES: Drug War Dilemma: Fighting to Improve Security AND Boost Tourism in Acapulco, Mexico
Members of the force would be attached to police stations to patrol towns and the countryside as required.
Malaysian police and military patrol the eastern coastal region and islands of Sabah.
Police said the patrol car had its sirens and flashing lights switched on.
On Thursday China said that it granted its border patrol police the power to board and search ships in the area.