When Amy arrived at the Braintree police station, she was taken to the booking room.
She was taken to the police station, where a lieutenant named James Sullivan interviewed her.
That evening, Amy was released from the police station, and Judy and Sam took her home.
The police station at the scene withstood the explosion, with a single, bullet-proof window blown in.
Carlton Pollock, 25, of Moorend Avenue, handed himself in to officers at Solihull police station.
Gloucestershire Police said he was due to answer bail on 22 May at Cheltenham police station.
They were taken by coach to Nuneaton police station where they were being interviewed.
The interior ministry said security forces opened fire on Salafists attacking a police station.
He said action was also being taken against two sub-inspectors deployed at the police station.
During a ceremony at Hyde police station, the mothers of the officers released doves.
BBC: Fiona Bone and Nicola Hughes memorial garden opened in Hyde
"Maybe there is a complaint in a court or a police station, " he says.
The police station will be built on land to the side of Green Street car park.
BBC: Work to start on Jersey's new police station at end of year
"It's a post for regular police surgeries, it's not an actual police station, " said Inspector Chesters.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Lives improved in flats' revamp
He was held at a police station in Plumstead, south-east London, but released on bail.
He found his way to a police station and was then taken to the hospital.
The suspect was put in a police van and driven to the police station.
She told the court that she made an original complaint at Coleraine police station in 2007.
Brockworth police station will be sold and a Police Point installed in the Parish Council offices.
Hours later after undergoing police questioning, Pistorius left a police station accompanied by officers.
She was taken to a military base and interrogated and again questioned at a police station.
After the ordeal the women went to the nearest police station accompanied by local tourism officials.
BBC: Six Spanish tourists raped near Mexico's Acapulco resort
He said the police station had been flooded and there were problems in the high street.
At one police station, McKinsey found that four-fifths of the police cars were unavailable for policing.
They are being held at Luton Police Station as part of the murder inquiry.
All three have been questioned at Cardiff Bay police station, said South Wales Police.
One of six Royal Military Police set upon by hundreds of armed Iraqis in a police station.
On Monday, a group of students calling themselves the Dream Defenders marched to the Sanford police station.
He was arrested on Monday and taken to a police station on Merseyside for questioning by detectives.
The 42-year old was taken to a police station where he was questioned by police throughout Thursday.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Merseyside | Ex-Everton player on drugs charge
Mr Colwell was shot at a checkpoint just outside the police station in Church Street in Ballynahinch.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Call for inquiry on 'report leak'