The group included Sanae Takaichi, the party's influential policy-making chief, said an aide to the organizers.
Analytic talents honed in the major take them to law school, venture capital, medicine and policy-making.
Halpern and senior policy-making colleagues often reference Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein.
FORBES: The Little "Nudges" that Would Make Even Churchill Proud
Labour's haphazard policy-making thus contributed to the mess that the commission had to sort out.
Economic crises may not lead to good policy-making, but at least they demand a do-no-harm standard.
FORBES: When Election Rhetoric Works Against the Common Good
Unfairly or not, current Minister Mantega is associated with a highly interventionist, and often confrontational, policy-making style.
This is an area in which Administration policy-making is in particular need of rigorous analysis and deliberation.
In the rarefied world of EU economic policy-making, this is an increasingly lively debate, I can report.
This system of policy-making plays safe, keeping everything well within the boundaries of the official party structure.
If indeed it does, then biodiversity should increasingly become a priority issue in economic policy-making and business strategies.
FORBES: Making the economic case for business and biodiversity
Often working in tandem, the New Big Three exercise an enormous amount of sway over national education policy-making.
One early thing Mr Crossick imported from America was self-confidence about the hired lobbyist's rightful place in policy-making.
ECONOMIST: The Brussels lobbyist and the struggle for ear-time
There were three or four policy-making states and the rest were policy-taking states.
"I won't be in a policy-making position, " he said, astonishingly, to a question from West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin.
In both, the army is the most respected institution in the country and has some capacity for autonomous policy-making.
ECONOMIST: Military-to-military relationships: The ties that bind | The
The commission acknowledges that policy-making has been poor and the regulatory regime inadequate.
In addition, I have had the privilege of serving public bodies, policy-making forums and regulatory environments for many years now.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: Dr Chai Patel's letter
The Treasury now gave the impression of having taken over entirely key policy-making areas like welfare reform, the report added.
EU, where there are three centres of foreign policy-making: the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and national capitals themselves.
The Senate has yet to act, but passing a similar bill to the House would be an ill-advised rush to policy-making.
For reformers, however, an even bigger disappointment is the council's failure to strip the finance ministry of its financial policy-making prerogatives.
But more interesting, perhaps, would be the impact on policy-making in general, if the bulk of decisions stopped being taken in Whitehall.
Ultimately, though, this needs to be driven by government and what is currently missing in the policy-making process is women, she says.
We face priorities in our policy-making, in our dangers to be avoided.
FORBES: There's Always Been A Bedrock Mistrust Of Banks In The U.S.
Mr. Olson was, until recently, the third-ranking official in the Department of Justice and a leader on its counterterrorism litigation and policy-making.
While there is no negotiated outcome, the IGF informs and inspires those with policy-making power in both the public and private sectors.
Ministers have been able to present a sensible pensions plan this week because they opened up policy-making to independent scrutiny and advice.
So Tuesday's announcement is only one piece of the great policy-making jigsaw.
Petitions posted on We the People have a real impact on policy-making.
Based on the options he faces, there are plenty of reasons to be less sanguine on the prospects for quick and easy policy-making.