In our recent post on the subject, we noted that two Chinese policy banks lent more to emerging markets in 2009 and 2010 than the World Bank.
The United States' government as a matter of policy pressured banks to make subprime loans or lose their ability to expand and grow.
Mr Green's switch offers a hint about government policy towards banks.
"The economy still faces powerful contractionary forces in the shape of widespread recession abroad, and at home falling house prices and stock markets, blunted monetary policy as banks constrain lending and rock-bottom business and consumer confidence, " says Andrew Smith, chief economist at KPMG.
And again, the very thick capital cushions that our banks are being asked to carry and asked to continue building are a very significant insurance policy for our banks.
This policy allows central banks to inject money into the system by purchasing assets from the private sector.
The Scottish government accepts the last part of this, that there would need to be a deal on fiscal policy and the banks.
The Fed has the regulatory authority to immediately implement this policy by ordering banks to stop funding, investing, clearing or facilitating derivatives commodity trading.
Amid recent meetings of G-20 finance ministers Mary Miller, a Treasury undersecretary, insisted that U.S. policy toward insolvent banks, including the biggest, no longer includes bailouts.
FORBES: Bankruptcies, Bail-Outs & Bail-Ins: The Good, Bad & Ugly Of Bank Failure Resolution
Mr Duhalde's policy on the banks has been characteristically erratic.
Many market watchers perceive the EU bailout package and further measures to shore up the U.S. economy will amount to more quantitative easing of monetary policy by central banks.
FORBES: Comex Gold Sees More Solid Price Gains Amid Sharply Lower U.S. Dollar, Higher Crude Oil
Importantly, many market watchers perceive the EU bailout package and further measures to shore up the U.S. economy will amount to more quantitative easing of monetary policy by central banks.
FORBES: Comex Gold Firmer On Follow-Through Strength From Tuesday's Big Surge
Those who see higher prices said gold remains underpinned by easy monetary policy from global central banks.
FORBES: Gold Survey: Mixed Outlook For Gold Prices Next Week
Some claimants never even had a loan, let alone a PPI policy, with the banks who receive demands for compensation, they say.
The ultra-expansionary monetary policy pursued by central banks suggests that the gold price will rise again in the near future, as do the ongoing strikes in the South African gold mines.
FORBES: Gold's Recent Pullback Viewed As Correction; Buying Anticipated On Further Weakness
Since the unsecured overnight rate has been the principal policy lever for central banks, this development could, the BIS warns, make it hard for them to rein in inflation in the future.
On top of all this, the FDIC and other bank regulators recently issued a policy statement declaring that banks, which hold about one-third of money market assets, should not "create an expectation that the bank will prop up" their own money market funds in the event of a breaking-the-buck incident.
None of this is trivial - not least because George Osborne's banking policies, which include putting a ring-fence around retail banks and giving the Bank of England's Financial Policy Committee the power to vary banks' capital ratios, are out of step with what most of the eurozone wants and plans.
Policy makers hope that new banks will boost Britain's sluggish economy by pumping in more credit.
Fannie and Freddie and the banks opposed these policy changes at first through both lobbying and intransigence.
The banks have a policy of immediately refunding losses from crime unless there has been wilful negligence by the cardholder.
Forth, people in Europe are too unhappy with the on-gong austerity and rising unemployment to concede to any policy initiative that will help banks.
FORBES: Can The World Afford Another Round Of Bank Bailouts?
Traders and investors will continue to closely monitor U.S., EU and Chinese economic data for early clues on monetary policy actions from the central banks.
Bulls cite the underlying fundamentals for gold, including the ultra-loose monetary policy by most global central banks as keeping the gold supported for the time being.
FORBES: Metals Outlook: Getting Ready For Last Full Week Of Trading For 2012
Friedman was endlessly clear that central banks drive monetary policy like the Three Stooges would drive bumper cars and act even more like Moe, Larry and Curley.
FORBES: What Can Charlie Sheen and the Three Stooges Teach the Fed?
Precious metals traders and investors will continue to closely monitor U.S., EU and Chinese economic data for early clues on monetary policy actions from the central banks.
With the exception of India, Chile, Turkey, Egypt, Peru, China, Russia, and Hungary, no EM central banks have tightened policy rates significantly (by more than 250 basis points).
FORBES: China, Brazil, And EMs Won't Save World Economy From Stagnation
With the ultra-loose monetary policy from the global central banks and the Federal Reserve promising monetary stimulus until the jobs picture in the U.S. improves, investors have been returning to the gold ETFs.
FORBES: FOCUS: Gold ETF Popularity Rebounds; Focus Turns To Costs
The first is that stockmarket crashes need not wreak havoc, if central banks relax monetary policy at the right time and by the right amount, and if dangers of banking-system collapses are spotted early.