To contain polio, hospitals confined children like Tenley, allowing only minimal contact with the outside world.
Doctors didn't understand how the polio virus entered the body, and they didn't know how to treat it.
By expanding access to clean water, children are less at risk of being crippled by polio.
The counter-narratives put forward by the Bishops and by Ginny Polio are also unsustainable.
Polio died in December, 2010, weakened, Ginny believes, by the ordeal of defending himself.
By the time these new details emerged, Polio was eighty-seven, and still living in Braintree.
Polio refused to accept responsibility for the decision to let Amy go without charging her.
An outbreak of polio this year among Angola's internal refugees has affected at least 1, 000 people.
That year polio infected 52, 000 Americans, some 3, 000 of whom would later die of it.
The need for secure vaccine production will become even more vital should polio be wiped out.
In addition, it is not proven that the polio vaccine was the source of the SV40.
Roosevelt was stricken with polio at his summer home on the Canadian island of Campobello.
Without widespread vaccination in those countries, polio could re-establish itself in any of them.
Ms Jarvis also claimed she could protect patients against other diseases, like polio, tetanus and diphtheria.
There were 35 cases of polio in Pakistan in 2012, according to the Polio Eradication Initiative.
That year polio infected 52, 000 Americans, some 3, 000 of whom later died of it.
It was important to have discovered what I wanted to do before I contracted polio.
Medical science has cured polio, tuberculosis and ulcers, and it has fought AIDS to a standstill.
The worldwide campaign to eliminate polio started in 1988, when 350, 000 infections were recorded.
But polio is just one of many causes, with other viruses and bacteria also responsible.
Most vaccines must be injected, but there are exceptions, such as the human oral polio vaccine.
FORBES: A Pox On Your House? How Fighting One Disease Brought Back Another
The buildings of the Warm Springs Polio Foundation had a kind of fading beauty.
Polio has been 99% eradicated worldwide thanks mainly to the intense efforts of Rotary International.
The cause was polio, which I caught the year before the vaccine became available.
Together, we are supporting the Global Polio Eradication Initiative's new six-year strategic plan for eradication.
WSJ: Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg: Our Plan to Eradicate Polio
In 2011, India, considered the most difficult place to achieve eradication, was declared polio-free.
WSJ: Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg: Our Plan to Eradicate Polio
Like polio, smallpox was a viral disease for which effective, easily administered vaccines existed.
ECONOMIST: Can a businessmen��s club eradicate polio from the world?
First, unlike smallpox, polio viruses can survive for long periods outside a host for instance in sewage.
ECONOMIST: Can a businessmen��s club eradicate polio from the world?
At least 11 polio workers have now been killed in Pakistan in the past month.
One medical ethicist says trying to wipe polio out may not be the best goal.