The difference may be where the center of gravity of the body politic lies.
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And all these changes, all these challenges, inevitably cause some tension in the body politic.
That's a side of Bloombergism the body politic may one day find harder to swallow.
Unfortunately, the American body politic is currently under assault as well from a poisonous offering.
Listen to those non-partisan, non-party politic connected people who have already demonstrated success in these endeavors.
You can see why they might find it politic to cut foreign assets proportionately more than domestic ones.
While the body politic was still absorbing them, however, the Iris Robinson affair erupted on an astonished public.
Arizona's actions are politic rather than generous: it needs a market to justify storing water it cannot use.
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It was not politic of him to liken Peter Mandelson, the prime minister's upwardly mobile courtier, to a crab.
He recently (like them) found it politic not to privatise the Post Office.
Dole has challenged the body politic to disregard vocal constituencies by reallocating funds from the "Big Five" to other worthy recipients.
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Arguably, federal patronage politics is a cancer on the body politic guaranteed to attract endless sums of lobbyists and lobbyist cash.
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The rest of the body politic has become more accustomed to Euroscepticism.
In Britain (or at least England), the tradition of sectarian enmity was not so much purged from the body politic as mislaid.
After the euro-triumph of May, you could hear from Venice to Sicily the whoosh of energy that blew out of Italy's pumped-up body politic.
Mr Salmond emphasised further that there was "no room for complacency" within the Scottish body politic, especially in the light of the fact that Scotland's claimant count rose in August.
Before you decide whether it is more politic to demonstrate a proper loyalty to Labour or a proper independence of mind, watch the behaviour of the government over Sierra Leone.
He said the Nineties might see a Democrat in the White House, but that had more to do with bad campaigning by the Republicans than it did with a leftward shift in the body politic.
Consider a transmission case in Montana that is now ensnared in both the body politic and in the local courts: The state would host a 215-mile power line owned by Enbridge, called the Montana Alberta Tie.
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In fact, he probably has done more to explain NSA to an otherwise ignorant body politic than any other author since the agency was established in a secret executive order signed by President Truman 60 years ago.
Putin: Politic Dialogue and Cooperation with Cuba.
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Incidentally, if you're examining which new responsibilities should be devolved to Wales - if any - then there's a feeling that it wouldn't be politic not to consider whether evidence points to any powers going the other way.
Last week, Garber was politic about its effect on MLS's lower-league relationships, but the move certainly has a side effect of broadening the power base of a soccer pyramid that has MLS, and its controlled model, at its apex.
The conventional wisdom has it that all parts of the Puerto Rican body politic - and, for that matter, all Hispanic-Americans - oppose the resumption of the kind of realistic, combined-arms exercises that can be uniquely performed at Vieques.
Now, by becoming part of the city-state government in Berlin, which straddles east and west, the party is hoping to win acceptance at last as a normal part of Germany's body politic, rather than be dismissed as a regional oddity, doomed to fade away as east and west grow closer together.