"I don't think the integrity of the rule of law was hurt so badly that it will erode business confidence, " says Bob Broadfoot of the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy.
" Singapore-based Bruce Gale of the Political and Economic Risk Consultancy agrees: "There are a number of checks and balances in the Philippine system that might make Estrada not quite the disaster some people predict he will be.
In periods of heightened economic and political risk, investors demand higher risk premiums to hold stocks.
An individual makes a principled stand against this corrupt system at his own political, social and economic risk.
Political and economic stability are at risk throughout Latin America.
Speaking on the Business Scotland programme on BBC Radio Scotland, Mr Naish - who is also a head of real estate at Scottish Widows Investment Partnership in Edinburgh - stressed that the SPF was not against or for independence, but that political and economic uncertainty increases investment risk, and that equates to cost.
Although the economic risk is that the plan fails, the political risk is that the plan succeeds.
The Pakistanis are releasing Taliban leaders from custody to facilitate peace negotiations with the Afghan government, in an apparent bid to avoid the looming risk of political and economic isolation.
BBC: Taliban's Mullah Nazir death spells trouble for Pakistan
To this daunting economic challenge must now be added political risk.
But the country remains an economic minefield: Debt payments are a political football, healthy companies risk being taken over through loopholes in bankruptcy law and businessmen with political ties still can get the government to harass their rivals.
The motivation behind Mr Cameron's intervention is clear: the eurozone crisis is holding back economic recovery in Britain and, as a consequence, puts at risk his political future.
On Tuesday, credit rating agency Standard and Poor's said it had downgraded Tunisia's rating, citing "a risk that the political situation could deteriorate further amid a worsening fiscal, external and economic outlook".
With China so engaged in the global economy, there is a never-ending stream of data, often unreliable, to feed the appetites of economic-research firms, investment banks, hedge funds, short-sellers, political-risk advisers, think-tanks, consultancies and financial and military newsletters not to mention legions of academics, journalists, diplomats and spies.