She loved this place, her second home, so far from New York and the political life she'd chosen.
In 1946, he married his classmate, Rahsan Ecevit, who would work him throughout his political life.
"What we are currently going through is... the Europeanisation of national political life, " he added.
In its brief political life span, Kadima's membership rolls have been subject to multiple criminal investigations.
Only independent ones can fulfil his promise to restore integrity to Pakistan's economic and political life.
ECONOMIST: The familiar conflict between justice and retribution
Today at Holyrood there was a startling departure from this fixed rule of political life.
The resulting scandal (and cover-up, according to Ms Betancourt) dominated political life in the mid-1990s.
But even Labour now hums with rumours about the shape of political life beyond the election.
He was surprised himself when, in 1983, Begin suddenly left political life and he became prime minister.
This week's conviction, though expected, has injected even more venom into Italian political life, poisonous enough already.
Wade would in time do much to restore a more sane and civil balance to our political life.
The coalition lost the 2007 election and the two smaller parties retreated to the fringes of political life.
Their influence is growing daily, and their representatives are pushing their way into all sections of political life.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Visions of China: Peking University
She lived her political life not as a career but as a mission.
So respected is direct democracy that nobody in California's political life wants to be seen trying to dilute it.
Women are also thin on the ground when it comes to positions of power in public and political life.
I'm going to leave political life for at least the next five years.
The ideology he opposed throughout his political life insisted that history was moved by impersonal tides and unalterable fates.
The tragedy brings big upsets in Polish political life and in other institutions.
ECONOMIST: Poland's President Lech Kaczynski dies in a plane crash
"Al Gore believes that unions play an essential role in the economic and political life of America, " Yokich said.
Paul Whiteley of the University of Essex notes the increasing separation of political life from the rest of society.
The Mexican constitution expressly forbids non-citizens to participate in the country's political life.
They will have to include the business, academic, and political life of the South in their programs and outreach efforts.
The stop was a tribute to Mr. Ford's love of Congress, an institution where he spent most of his political life.
He left office at the end of 2010 with huge approval ratings, and remains a popular figure in Brazilian political life.
The other reason Ms Gordillo has been so instrumental to political life in Mexico is down to her self-coined "warrior" persona.
In Spain, this is the time when political life is paralyzed and tourism boosts job prospects, especially in the coastal towns.
He was made a peer only in 2010 but began his political life at the Conservative research department in the 1980s.
He was the first senior figure to speak openly about the kaleidoscope of military factions that control political life in Algeria.