YouGov, a pollster, recently compared voters who called themselves English with those who identified as British.
According to IBOPE, a pollster, 74% of Brazilians expect this year to be better than last.
"The irony is he didn't even run on health care, " says one Democratic pollster.
Pollster Peter Brown picks up on a trend we started noticing two years ago.
Barna, a Christian pollster, suggests that Mr Obama is widely liked by Christians of different stripes.
But the pollster, Peter Kellner, says the prime minister just about remained an electoral asset.
Ed Sarpolus, a pollster, reckons a third of companies rely on contracts with local government.
Ms. CELINDA LAKE (Democratic Pollster): Well, women always make up their minds later than men.
Some 62% of Germans want to pull out, the highest level recorded by Forsa, a pollster.
"We're not dumb, " strategist and pollster Whit Ayres of Resurgent Republic told me.
Frank Luntz, another pollster, says that most American Jews oppose Mr Obama's positions on Israel.
Because such a vote might be quite close if turnout is low, says Alfredo Keller, another pollster.
Y. pollster, noticed it was getting 40% of the 6.6 million surveys it e-mailed returned as undeliverable.
Rowe Price and pollster Harris Interactive, young people are very worried about pretty much everything retirement related.
FORBES: When It Comes To Retirement, Is Youth Wasted On The Young?
One survey by BVA, a pollster, suggests that 64% are against getting rid of the wealth tax.
ECONOMIST: The president looks for ways to scrap a popular tax
Pollster John Zogby detected no sign of a bounce or slump for either candidate in his daily surveys.
Also important to mention that she does team up with a Republican pollster in arriving at her data.
But in general, as every pollster avers, it is the future more than the past that motivates voting.
For 20 years Stan Greenberg, a Democratic pollster, studied the blue-collar white voters of Macomb County near Detroit.
Fully 68% back a government rescue plan for the economy, says a recent survey by Politbarometer, a pollster.
"People feel really, really strongly about certain elements in the health care debate, " says Republican pollster Bob Castro.
This activism, rather than Mr Harper's standpat response, resonates with the average Canadian, says Nik Nanos, a pollster.
ECONOMIST: Economic fears ambush Stephen Harper��s hopes of a majority
Thus in May 2010 most Germans said it was right to help Greece, according to Forsa, a pollster.
ECONOMIST: Germans are still reluctant to offer the Greeks more help
As Karlyn Bowman, a pollster at the American Enterprise Institute, explains, people simply don't believe they will occur.
"It will be part of almost every campaign in the country this year, " according to Democratic pollster Mark Mellman.
"This poll shows presidential leadership, " says Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who conducts the survey with Democrat Peter D.
In 2001 MORI, a British pollster, asked parents with children at private schools why they had made their choice.
"I'm surprised California is as high as it is, " said pollster Mervin Field.
"A November election is the best shot for Republicans to get this seat, " said Patrick Murray, a Monmouth University pollster.
According to New Orleans pollster Dr Silas Lee, Nagin should have managed the expectations of the city's "frightened electorate" better.
CNN: Why Nagin's leaving office 'with worse rating than Bush'