Furthermore, pavement on land creates "expressways" for oil and other pollutants to run into the ocean.
They also absorb pollutants that can cause algae blooms and help clear the water.
Ozone from air pollutants may increase the risk of preeclampsia, a potentially dangerous pregnancy condition.
As a result, Congress amended the Clean Air Act to adopt Train's approach to evaluating pollutants.
Both sides agree, however, that mercury is one of the vilest pollutants that exist.
Ms. Jackson has also sought to tighten regulations covering traditional pollutants associated with coal.
Dioxins and PCBs are among a "dirty dozen" dangerous compounds known as persistent organic pollutants.
The existing guidelines on acceptable concentrations of various air pollutants were set in 1987.
Government scientists have begun testing for a range of pollutants at sites in Devon and Wales.
Among these stages, transport, processing and packaging account for the lion's share of pollutants.
Apart from cutting congestion and raising money, tolls reduce carbon emissions and other pollutants.
We're not dealing with nasty pollutants here that make people sick and poison land and waters.
The companies that deal in cargoes that would be pollutants have to have plans in place.
The body produces an inflammatory reaction in response to foreign invaders, such as pollutants.
Identifying which pollutants impact them the most can improve treatment and target remediation efforts.
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The exhaust is treated at three points, three different ways, to reduce pollutants like mercury and dioxins.
The 600-megawatt Indiana plant will convert coal into turbine-ready gas while stripping out pollutants nitrogen and sulfur.
During Allen Kneese's career, some bought the bargain, others hesitated over using the greatest of possible pollutants.
At first, I just wanted to find out which pollutants had the biggest impact on lung health.
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What surprised me is that no model currently quantifies this relationship between environmental pollutants and lung health.
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His organization's research shows that at ground level, concentrations of pollutants from provinces close to Beijing are significant.
Ertel, 40, heads Evolution Markets, which sells chits that companies use to offset their emissions of air pollutants.
These are already cheaper and cleaner than burning coal, oil and gas with all their pollutants, especially CO2.
Dr Corsi's results suggest that they are being exposed to such pollutants anyway, simply by breathing at home.
The benefits: about 600 tons less particle pollutants and 160, 000 tons of greenhouse gases not emitted every year.
Judge Dingemans said councillors should re-consider and decide whether there was a risk of pollutants entering the River Wensum.
While we have had success on traditional pollutants, there are other challenges to face in protecting America's waters today.
WHITEHOUSE: Blog Action Day: Protecting America��s Waters Today
He soon broke ranks with utility executives by supporting a cap-and-trade system for sulfur dioxide and other coal-plant pollutants.
On average, cars emit 22 pounds of C02 (as well as other pollutants) for every gallon of gasoline consumed.
Strip mines, mountaintop removal, polluted watersheds, Black Lung, mercury poisoning, airborne lead and other toxic pollutants, and acid rain.