Environmental officials have recently been offered cash rewards by locals to swim in polluted rivers.
Every year those volunteers donate 500, 000 hours to clean up polluted rivers, restore fish habitat and fish populations.
Cohesion funds pay for things like job training, cleaning up polluted rivers and, above all, roads, bridges, sewers and other infrastructure.
Every year volunteers of the fish conservation group, Trout Unlimited, donate 500, 000 hours to clean up polluted rivers, restore fish habitat and fish populations.
Chappell began developing his philosophy in the late 1960s, when he briefly worked for his father, an entrepreneur who had patented a "Chappell Process" to treat polluted rivers.
Indeed, protesters, including Ms Klein's anti-globalisation supporters, can use the power of the brand against companies by drumming up evidence of workers ill-treated or rivers polluted.
There have been concerns for some time that lochs and rivers were being polluted by salmon farms.
They tell me this pollution will be permanent, rivers will be polluted and the toxins will travel to other areas -- and the locals have never been educated about these risks to the area.
The report is not a list of the nation's most polluted waterways, but highlights 10 rivers facing decisions in the coming year that could determine their future.
It safeguards more than 1, 000 miles of our rivers, protects watersheds and cleans up polluted groundwater, defends our oceans and Great Lakes, and will revitalize our fisheries, returning fish to rivers that have not seen them in decades.
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Each day, 300 million gallons of polluted mine water enters Pennsylvania streams and rivers, turning many of them into dead zones unable to support aquatic life.
Fears that the rivers Towy, Usk and Wye could be polluted by the burial of carcasses could be taken up with the European Union, he added.
Rivers that used to be some of the nation's most polluted flow through the Olympic grounds.
Some of the rivers named in their club title, proclaimed on their jackets, have been polluted by red sludge.
Numerous rivers, once the source of human prosperity and rich wildlife, are now heavily polluted.
UNESCO: World Water Day 22 March 2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World