As the world's number three polluter, Russia's signature was crucial to bring the protocol into force.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Russian firms turn Kyoto pioneers
More than 80 countries have signed the Kyoto pact, but no major polluter has ratified the treaty.
It may add costs to you if you are a polluter, but polluters usually exaggerate about that.
This really is pollution and yes, we do have this general assumption that the polluter should pay for having polluted.
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But before worrying about the mote in a distant polluter's eye, it makes sense to consider the beam in thine own.
In general we say that the polluter should pay, the polluter should pay the costs of cleaning up the pollution they cause.
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Is it fair to go after a polluter over an ownership disclosure?
It also urges a review of the system for damages for oil spills to ensure that the "polluter pays" principle is upheld.
It will then become obvious whether a business is a polluter.
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Fortunately, he notes, economists have already figured out how to deal with such externalities: tax them so that the polluter internalises the cost of his actions.
In line with the "polluter pays" principle, the EU plan also stipulates that producers would have to organize and finance the treatment, recovery and disposal of waste.
Those who choose to use this specific method should, at least if we are to be consistent about polluter pays, thus be bearing this extra environmental cost.
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Last week, the Conservatives called for people who take more than their fair share of flights to pay more tax - in effect, proposing a "polluter pays" approach.
Because the polluter ought to be paying for it, so that they take it into account in their costs when the decide to do the activity or not.
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Rusbridger also supported a suggestion by Paul Dacre, editor of the Daily Mail, for a press ombudsman who could investigate serious lapses of standards on a "polluter pays" basis.
In 2001, however, President George Bush withdrew the U.S. -- the world's largest greenhouse gas polluter, responsible for approximately 25% of global emissions -- from the Protocol (Australia also withdrew).
For example, in India, another major polluter, a PURE scheme in Malavali has provided renewable energy to 10, 000 people and reduced CO2 emissions by 20, 000 tonnes using money from UK carbon offsetters.
After the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster, which swamped an Alaskan sound with oil and put the company in the polluter in chief spot for years, Raymond did little directly to repair its image in the eyes of the public.