It supports municipal wastewater facilities, estuary protection projects, and nonpoint source pollution control.
But today's problem of non-point source pollution is more difficult to control.
"The draft law it is really trying to tackle the issue in a proactive way, trying to tackle the pollution at its source, " said Ma Jun, a prominent environmentalist in Beijing and author of China's Water Crisis.
But should he proceed with regulations to control pollution from existing coal-fired power plants, the single largest source of carbon pollution, those regulations probably will contribute to shuttering facilities already struggling to compete with cheap natural gas.
The Environmental Protection Agency used its authority to regulate carbon dioxide as a source of pollution and set higher standards for power plants.
This will allow truckers to reduce emissions significantly (diesel emissions include nitrous oxides, particulate matter, and other air toxics and they are a major source of pollution in some areas).
It has led to deforestation in countries like Brazil, for instance, and, in countries belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), intensive livestock production has become a major source of pollution.
That means higher electric and gasoline bills for consumers, who are, ultimately, the real source of atmospheric pollution.
In particular, coal plants are the largest source of mercury pollution in the Great Lakes.
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Until recently, determining the source of the pollution relied on little more than guesswork.
If this risk is priced at the source, like pollution is, it should deter taking on this risk to some degree.
After the first incident, the MCA launched an investigation into the spill, but has since said it had been unable to trace the source of the pollution.
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Coal-fired power plants are a big source of particle pollution.
An investigation into the source of the pollution is continuing.
The MCA, which is now investigating the source of the pollution, said under maritime pollution regulations and "stringent conditions" PIB can be released into the sea in "very, very small concentrations".
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If a polluted water sample contains a strain of E. coli that is not found in humans, you can be pretty sure that sewage is not the source of the pollution.
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency launched an investigation into the first spill, but has since said it had been unable to trace the source of the pollution and confirmed it had closed the investigation.
What was once considered noise pollution could soon become a green source of energy.
Oil sands projects are the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas pollution in Canada.
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At the time, he cited findings from a Shanghai testing firm that determined that Johnson Controls had abided by local laws and wasn't the source of the local lead pollution.
Janice Nolen, national policy adviser at the American Lung Association, says that rather than dealing with the harmful effects of air pollution, the focus should be on tackling the problem at source.
Although the United States has made great strides in reducing pollution in recent decades, we are still the world's second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, with emissions per capita four times higher than China's.
These bills will curb lead levels in water pipes, a major source of harmful lead exposure for children, and help address diesel engine pollution that is linked to serious health conditions like asthma and heart and lung disease.
"This does not deal with the problem at source, " says Prof Kelly, an expert on the impact of atmospheric pollution on human health.
Examples of preventive conservation are: appropriate measures and actions for registration, storage, handling, packing and transportation, security, environmental management (light, humidity, pollution and pest control), emergency planning, education of staff, public awareness, legal compliance (source: ICOM-CC definition).