The country's first national census of pollution sources is due to begin in February.
"How to reduce the emissions from pollution sources is of paramount importance for improving our ever deteriorating air quality, " he says.
Not surprisingly, in the United States, asthma sufferers are often in low-income communities near major pollution sources, such as freeways or factories.
Instead, they found high caffeine levels near Carl Washburne State Park and Cape Lookout, two areas not near the potential pollution sources, and low levels of caffeine near large population centers such as Astoria, Warrenton and Coos Bay.
They find grandeur and beauty in what many see as unsightly sources of pollution.
So people who live downwind of big sources of pollution really do have drier lives.
The contribution of diffuse sources of pollution to bathing water failures, both rural and urban, is being investigated.
At regional and local levels, it is important to reduce other environmental stressors such as local sources of pollution into the ocean.
Northumbrian Water said it was confident the steps would improve the bathing water, but added there were sources of pollution beyond its control.
BBC: Northumbrian Water to put ?6m into Saltburn water works
Environment Agency officials have been looking at sources of pollution at Llangrannog, including visiting farm, s and are now concentrating on local sewage systems.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Beach fails EU water quality test
The project looks at four main threats to coral reefs -- marine-based threats, over-fishing, coastal development, and land-based sources of pollution -- in six main coral reef regions.
The "greening" of Chengdu created 500, 000 jobs, nearly tripling the per capita income in the region, and included the cleaning up or closing of more than 1, 000 commercial sources of pollution.
Furthermore, Doniger inexplicably ignores the fact that the EPA is already moving forward with efforts to limit carbon pollution from stationary-sources like power plants and is set to forge ahead in the absence of Congressional cap-and-trade legislation.
Before this study, the sources of the pollution were never satisfactorily explained, said Wotawa.
The research team used data from a number of sources including air pollution reports, traffic counts and tax offices.
Located remotely from other sources of air pollution, Mauna Loa is commonly considered one of the most reliable places to measure concentrations of gases in the atmosphere.
We have the technology to clean up the unhealthiest sources of air pollution, and my research reiterated for me that we can't afford to wait too long to clear the air.
WHITEHOUSE: Energy and Environment Latest News | The White House
It is important to note, however, that human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels for transportation and energy generation are the main sources of air pollution, said Wotawa.
Experts gave an overview of current threats and challenges, including declining coral reefs and acidification (Scott Doney), sea level rise (Joe Appiott), coastal erosion, land-based sources of marine pollution, and overfishing (Brittany Baschuk).
LOST's provisions on prevention of marine pollution from land-based sources could easily serve as a convenient peg on which to hang the greenhouse gas-regulating Kyoto Protocol, even though that treaty has also never been ratified.
Kennedy and arranged for a helicopter ride around New York City to show him all the sources of air pollution and why our group proposed correcting our national GNP to subtract the costs of pollution and other externalities.
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Any policy to reduce heat-trapping pollution will inevitably target the main sources of Americans' energy: the coal burned by power plants for electricity and the oil that is refined to run automobiles.
The group released its annual report naming the 10 largest sources of power plant mercury pollution.
And that means that things like wind energy suddenly become more appealing because they don't produce those pollution -- those pollutants, and other sources of energy become less appealing because they do produce those pollutants.
Costs not captured include electrical grid upgrade, connectivity of renewables and buffering of their intermittency by rapid cycling of fossil fuel plants as presently practiced in this country, and non-carbon-tax externalities such as pollution and health care costs associated with energy sources, especially for coal.
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Newell worries that high oil prices will lead to the use of fuel sources that produce even greater amounts of pollution.
China has become increasingly aggressive as of late in pursuing alternative energy sources, driven by commodity prices as well as concerns over air pollution.
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Light pollution can come from TV and computer screens, other electronic displays and ambient sources such as streetlights, passing traffic and neighboring buildings, in addition to overhead lighting within the home.
And because of its location in a basin, pollution in the Los Angeles area caused by diesel exhaust, barges, locomotives and other sources tends to stay put, says Janice Nolen, assistant vice president with National Policy and Advocacy for the American Lung Association.
If these needed protein sources were to come primarily from livestock there is the very real potential for catastrophic pollution of water and land, not to mention the exponential increase in carbon emissions.