Pope Francis updated century-old church rules for annulling marriages, making them easier, and less expensive.
On Saturday evening Pope Francis will celebrate the main Easter Vigil Mass in St Peter's Basilica.
Jesuits, by tradition, are schooled in both so Pope Francis will be up to the job.
Hours after his arrival, the Vatican issued a photograph of Benedict shaking hands with Pope Francis.
This has been reflected in some of the reaction to the appointment of Pope Francis.
For them Pope Francis and his doctrinal conservatism will offer a semblance of stability.
Earlier, the Vatican said Pope Francis would visit his predecessor Pope emeritus Benedict next week.
Pope Francis appears to be what Argentinians would say is "campechano" - approachable, "matey", even.
He immediately sent a message of congratulation to his fellow Jesuit Pope Francis on his election.
Pope Francis is the first pontiff from Latin America, where four in 10 Catholics live.
Pope Francis has already been in touch with the chosen cardinals, the Vatican said.
As Pope Francis, he stepped onto that balcony and was greeted by that sight.
On YouTube, there were more than 700 videos tagged "Pope Francis" uploaded on Wednesday.
Such a move could also shield Pope Francis from the frequent snafus that afflicted his predecessor.
WSJ: Bid to Remake Church Will Focus on Vatican Administration
The church, starting with the example of Pope Francis, must embody the virtue of humility.
Pope Francis also took the bus, eschewing the traditional papal car service, according to Cardinal Dolan.
Pope Francis also took the bus, ditching the personal papal car service, according to Cardinal Dolan.
The "path of love" of Pope Francis will be a momentous journey for 1.2 billion Catholics.
Pope Francis studied theology in Germany and was ordained as a Jesuit priest in 1969.
Now, at least one online bookmaker is letting bettors speculate on Pope Francis' future.
Pope Francis "does all the things that other popes wouldn't touch, " Yusef said.
CNN: Malik Yusef: Pope Francis the 'Hip-Hop Pope' - CNNPolitics.com
But Pope Francis will not have to worry about seeming to look gluttonous on these trips, however.
FORBES: Pope Francis Used To Cook His Own Food; How Will He Eat In The Vatican?
It said that Pope Francis would also celebrate Mass earlier on Holy Thursday in St Peter's Basilica.
BBC: Pope Francis to wash feet of prisoners in pre-Easter Mass
Pope Francis will stage his feet-washing ceremony at Casal del Marmo on the afternoon of 28 March.
BBC: Pope Francis to wash feet of prisoners in pre-Easter Mass
The election was met with thunderous applause at the cathedral in Buenos Aires, Pope Francis' home city.
"What's new is that Pope Francis, at least for the Year of Mercy, is universalizing this permission, " said the Rev.
CNN: Pope: All priests can forgive those who've had abortions
Similar conspiracy theories about Pope Francis' election "won't die, " according to David Gibson, a reporter for the Religion News Service.
Pope Francis on Tuesday used simple, straightforward language, unlike the at-times baroque rhetoric of the more-academically inclined Benedict.
Meanwhile, Pope Francis called Sunday for prayers for "beloved Syria" as he spoke to a crowd in St.
Pope Francis earned his good-guy moniker by breaking tradition and visiting a juvenile detention center for Holy Thursday.
FORBES: 'Good Guy Pope' Meme on Reddit is a Win for Pope Francis