The military also timed its efforts to minimize the chances that debris would hit populated areas.
It would be even harder on people who live in less densely populated areas.
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Domestic sewerage is of concern, as it affects ecosystems close to densely populated areas.
On average, 10 tornadoes a year reach the most dangerous classification and almost never strike populated areas.
Stanley McChrystal, to cede remote outposts and consolidate troops in more populated areas to better protect Afghan civilians.
Currently, Afghan units are stationed where the Americans are, in hundreds of small bases, mostly in populated areas.
In much more populated areas with higher rates of crime, this is going to be much more widespread.
Experts claim that this had up to an 85% success rate in engaging missiles heading for populated areas.
He points, for example, to a coverage map from Uganda's largest operator, which serves 70% of populated areas.
Cardiff aside, piracy rates in Wales - where speeds are slower - are low, even in well-populated areas.
They tend to focus deployment in more densely populated areas, and along major highways and office or shopping districts.
On rare occasions, the falling bits of space debris do hit now-populated areas.
In the last few days, fighting has drawn closer to large populated areas, such as the town of Goma.
Both offer remote, sparsely populated areas with low levels of man-made radio interference, along with world-class teams of astronomers.
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These failures could be played down because the events occurred in sparsely populated areas of Hokkaido and northern Honshu.
Although the quality and diversity of media is increasing in more populated areas, the situation is different in remote areas.
It recommends allocating limited resources to the most densely populated areas rather than trying to spread them thinly across the city.
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The smaller provinces have resisted a census because they fear that sparsely populated areas will get less money from the government.
The state should no longer subsidise the private pursuit of Arcadia through expensive public services for remote and sparsely populated areas.
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The Qaddafi regime was threatening attack and attacking civilians and civilian-populated areas.
Most contemporary technologies, for example, only work from a maximum distance of eight meters, and aren't as accurate within more densely populated areas.
No one would be forced from their existing homes, but they would be offered incentives like home swaps to move to more populated areas.
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Conservation efforts and trap-and-transfer programs, in which turkeys were caught and moved to under-populated areas, brought the population back to healthy levels by the 1960s.
Nearly 20% of branch shutdowns over the past year were in towns outside the most populated areas of the country, according to the SNL data.
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About 5.9m voters were registered in about 9, 000 polling stations, some in remote or sparsely-populated areas that were hard for the opposition or monitors to visit.
But opponents of this urban drilling say that it shouldn't be done in populated areas and that the promises of many people getting rich aren't true.
But electricity on the utilities' grid courses at a searingly high 60, 000 to 500, 000 volts while it travels hundreds of kilometers over transmission lines to populated areas.
That includes many of the country's most populated areas, allowing the 4G network to cover 110 million Americans, says Verizon, the largest U.S. cellular carrier by subscribers.
But electricity on the utilities' grid courses at a searingly high 60, 000 to 500, 000 volts while it travels hundreds of miles over transmission lines to populated areas.