Like Congressman Paul Ryan, he assumes that federal spending can be immunized from the demands of population aging and rising health care costs.
However, with nominal growth slowing, the global population aging and developed economy governments reluctant to issue large amounts of debt this dynamic will affect larger and more traditionally stable asset markets.
The findings suggest that overall population aging and rising obesity led to a decline in the quality of livers being harvested, and ultimately to an increase in the percentage of unused organs, the researchers write.
It's not news that the population is aging, but it's generally seen as a grim problem and a costly burden.
Some health plans are getting into the business, seeing a business opportunity and growth among a booming population of aging baby boomers.
And with the growing population of aging baby boomers, the number of people with disabilities in the United States is expected to increase.
The American population is aging, but the country has never had more kids, and participation in high school sports has never been higher.
Its population is aging the fastest of all the major economies.
Not quite accurate in terms of timing, he says, but he does say that the population is aging, and eventually the whole country will look like Florida.
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At a time when the U.S. population is aging and needs innovative new medicines for a wide spectrum of degenerative and infectious diseases, they are not what the doctor ordered.
The Kremlin has tried to boost population growth, fearing that fewer births in an aging population will sap the economy, especially with a pension age of 55.
And it's timely -- we're seeing an epidemic of age-related macular degeneration with our aging population.
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Japan's aging population should not have to suffer for lack of joint replacement surgery.
Japan's aging population should not have to suffer for lack of joint replacement surgery, for example.
However, many Democrats will feel it is too low given the needs of an aging population.
Aging population of U.S., is expected to increase the per capita consumption of drugs.
But the long-run trends, caused by an aging population and rising health care costs are unmistakable.
They blamed government, and 67% favored increased spending to bring new medicines to Europe's aging population.
Applications are up sharply in recent years because of high unemployment and an aging population.
Surely Tokyo knows it must confront huge fiscal deficits exacerbated by an aging population.
This is largely driven by an aging population and increases in technology and availability of treatments.
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The combination of an aging population, low tax revenue and rising debt make these fears palpable.
Strategically the company is focused on an aging population, so time is on its side.
The company is zeroing in on skin care products, which plays to the aging population.
It also faces a demographic trap, with low fertility and an increasingly dependent aging population.
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That makes sense for a country with an aging population, at least on paper.
It's got an aging population, a very high savings rate and a lot of large, large companies.
Now keep in mind that the US is not the only country with a rapidly aging population.
They hope that the proposed criteria will be modified and discussed more to help the aging population.
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With its rapidly aging population and low birthrate, Japan is the world's largest market for life insurance.