It is also anchored in a populist movement whose scale has no equivalent in Europe.
The perception of Zelaya representing some populist movement comparable to the FMLN or the Sandinistas is a fantasy.
This is a populist movement made up of many strands, joined together only by a common resentment of Washington.
Not all Tea Partiers are originalists, but the movement is fairly described as a populist movement inclined toward originalism.
Storytelling in politics is important, as the populists themselves knew back when there was such a thing as a leftwing populist movement in America.
Mr Manning, who founded the party as a populist movement in 1987, is the son of a former premier of Alberta (and an evangelical preacher).
In addition to teaching Americans a valuable lesson in the power of a financially-based populist movement, the South Africa divestment campaign provided a blueprint for the campaign.
Even if his populist Movement for a Democratic Slovakia does quite well in the general election due in 2002, it is unlikely to find coalition partners to let him form a government.
Since at least 2008, the flag has been used as an unofficial symbol of the tea party, the loosely defined populist movement that supports reduced government spending, lower taxes and reducing the national debt.
In an apparent foretaste of his controversial Christmas message, the king warned viewers at the time that if their political impasse remained unresolved, they risked the emergence of a form of "poujadism", referring to a right-wing populist movement in 1950s France.
But if he shuns Berlusconi, Bersani will need to win support from Parliament's new third bloc, a populist, anti-euro movement founded by comic-turned-political leader Beppe Grillo.
How is the Tea Party movement, with its populist leanings toward radicalism, affecting Congressional leadership?
His co-teacher, Peter Molnar, was a former member of the Hungarian parliament who had drifted away from politics and into academia as the progressive youth movement that he had founded got co-opted by populist right-wing elements.