On the asset side, one of the portfolios is the funded reserve for grants.
Unemployment continues to rise and is bound to pressure consumer portfolios in the coming months.
Distressed debt funds are swarming around portfolios of assets that banks are selling to reduce their risk exposure.
Among the property companies in Chau's portfolios: Beijing North Star, which owns properties in China's capital.
Not so for real estate investment trusts, which hold portfolios of buildings rather than securities.
Privateering is becoming especially prevalent in the acquisition of patent portfolios from other companies.
FORBES: Patent Wars Rage As Tech Industry Waits For Serious Reforms
The rate of return on these multibillion-dollar portfolios is nothing to write home about.
The reason most wise investors hold portfolios of munis of average duration 3-5 years.
These portfolios range from conservative (20 percent in stocks) to aggressive (80 percent in stocks).
The calendar method requires investors to rebalance portfolios once per year on an investment anniversary date.
Sure, you can pretty easily find equity portfolios with ratings assessing their social and environmental impact.
FORBES: Now Available: An Impact Investment-Rated Bond Portfolio
Fees aren't the only potential pitfall among ETF managed portfolios, says Mr. Hougan of IndexUniverse.
Funds of funds might have five or six strategies, different portfolios and no reporting capability.
FORBES: Reporting Values and Risks In Private Equity Funds And Funds Of Funds
Despite the strong case for growth in healthcare, many portfolios remain underexposed to healthcare investments.
Other ministerial portfolios followed - immigrant absorption, housing and construction, justice and later foreign affairs.
The report shows Harvard realizing losses on portfolios of hedge funds, domestic stocks and junk debt.
Forget big-name venture capitalists, who now shun the limelight and tend to their wounded portfolios.
Americans saw their portfolios multiply in value, and saw their home prices double in many cases.
Fifty-three percent said it was the complexity of the portfolios that they themselves had built!
Until then executives can enjoy the latitude created by the valuation conventions that govern their portfolios.
Art is seen by many wealthy investors as a safe investment used to diversify their portfolios.
FORBES: China Brings Down Global Art Market In Q1 But U.S. And Europe Feed The Bulls
In 2010 most HENRYs have smaller portfolios and less income than they did in 2008.
The regulator could establish minimum capital requirements for the two companies and limits on their portfolios.
But high-end private homes have been conspicuously absent from most portfolios of the country's greatest architects.
When possible, Boston financiers back entrepreneurs who have worked at other firms in their portfolios.
The companies that recast their portfolios of activities are the ones that also offer good prospects.
FORBES: With The Dow At All Time Highs, Why Are Investors So Queasy?
Paul Ryan is CEO of Acacia Research, which manages patent portfolios for over 160 companies.
FORBES: A Message To Congress: Keep Your Hands Off The Patent Office
This mutual-fund selling caused fund-management groups to quickly sell bonds out of their portfolios.
FORBES: Muniball: Michael Lewis Takes a Swing At Municipal Bonds
Some early-stage, start-up exposure might be just what the doctor ordered for return-starved, sub-optimized portfolios.
FORBES: A Dollar And A Dream: Making The Case For Venture Capital
In our equity portfolios, Europe has forced us to keep about 10% to 15% cash.