Like so many categories of paintings, this kind of portraiture hit its market peak around 1990.
The short time between thought and execution of an idea encouraged sequential picture-taking and self-portraiture of all kinds.
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Indeed, they revel in bursting the bounds of formal portraiture, depicting their sitters in naturalistic or architectural settings.
We can learn a lot about the conventions and the development of Renaissance portraiture from this absorbing exhibition.
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About Face, which runs until 30 April, focuses on portraiture, with each room presenting a different take on the theme.
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So much of portraiture has to do with powerful people: powerful white men in powerful poses in big, powerful museums.
And yet there's a virtuosity throughout that suggests the same sure hand we recognize from his brilliant, if occasionally fawning, portraiture.
Wiley's work, now more than ever, pushes the lines between design and high art, reinventing classical portraiture for a contemporary world.
Several hundred people packed the Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture, where John Legend, Common and T-Pain performed.
Offering a fixed 50mm focal length and extra-bright F1.4 aperture, the premium lens is an ideal choice for quality-critical portraiture and low-light shooting.
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Avoiding close-up, full-frontal or backview portraiture, Mr Gursky catches people as constituent dots or ciphers in an encompassing landscape or in the urban mass.
It is a prose capable of manifold marvels--marvels of exposition, marvels of lyrical description, marvels of evocative portraiture, marvels of wicked humor and sly wit.
In her own portraiture, Ms. Jolie mixes tenderness with implacable toughness.
He summed up his thoughts in 15 words, saying, quote, "The People of Detroit Portraiture Project proves not everyone in Detroit is an abandoned building, " unquote.
The Australia exhibition will follow such other high-profile events as a major survey of Manet's portraiture and a look at Mexican art between 1910 and 1940.
With a 2.5x zoom (30-74mm equivalent), this is an ideal lens for general shooting including landscapes, portraiture or even as the go-to lens on the next family vacation.
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Stevens said that Manet's portraits have "not been studied in either exhibition or book form" before, despite the artist's "unswerving commitment to the genre of portraiture throughout his career".
So, when I turned 20, being fatherless, and also being profoundly interested in portraiture and wanting to know what he looked like physically, I decided to hop on a plane.
With the increasing growth and mass appeal of image-savvy social media apps and smartphones (equipped with state-of-the-art camera lenses) Greenfield-Sanders understands his lofty position as the poster child for portraiture.
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The permanent collection, which will be exhibited whole again in 2003, includes British portraiture from the 15th to 18th centuries, Neapolitan art from the late Renaissance, Chinese bronzes and British folk art.
In contrast, the painting's lower, terrestrial register reflects a burgeoning Spanish taste for naturalism, a gift for portraiture the painter had honed in Italy, and the reality of the Toledo El Greco knew.
Rembrandt's picture culminates his lifelong experiments in self-portraiture.
Lavish costumes are on display in the Dormitory of the Expeditionary Force, important Islamic relics are housed in the Sacred Safekeeping Rooms and fine examples of Ottoman calligraphy and portraiture are exhibited in the Quarters of Pages in Charge of the Sacred Safekeeping Rooms.
It's worth contemplating that the most powerful and substantive works are not those in which Zoffany awes us with his considerable skill at painting frothy fabrics and other accoutrements of the era's formal portraiture, but rather the substantive studies of interesting sitters.
Its walls are taken up with the Face to Face exhibition (running until 31 August), which presents a modern take on portraiture, featuring the powerful works of 11 artists from around the world, such George Condo and Nan Goldin, in a range of formats, including painting and photography.
The labels are informative little essays nicely placed like slanted tabletops, below sightline. (The cartoonish icons for the audio guide, however, are inexplicably placed right next to the paintings on the wall.) And the subtopics landscape and portraiture, what was painted overseas versus what was created back home in America, etc.
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