He's referring to the fact that the huge post-privatisation task of improving the region's sewerage systems is basically complete and on the supply side, we are blessed with good reservoirs that are fortunately full.
BBC: South West Water customers asked how cash should be spent
The use of these sophisticated weapons, precisely targeted by global positioning satellites, is designed to maximise their effects while limiting collateral damage, which would make the task of post-war reconstruction more difficult.
And scientists disagree about the long-term damage, thanks partly to the post-Soviet shortage of funding for the huge task of monitoring the lake.
ECONOMIST: Russia's natural jewel is at the mercy of oil money
The Falklands are remembered, rightly or wrongly, as a clearly defined and even noble task that coincided with a post-1970s quest for national renewal.
Shirley Phillips, the recent president of the Travel Federation of Iowa, which lobbies on behalf of tourism firms and sits on the task force, said a post-Labor Day start helps firms, such as campgrounds and aquatic centers, that thrive in summer.
The Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance has only just begun the task of estimating the cost of post-war humanitarian assistance.
As part of our post-war planning, CENTCOM has also established a Combined Joint Task Force that will be responsible for U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq in the immediate aftermath of a conflict.
The deserved breakthrough came, however, when Boruc failed to collect Brunt's high cross to the back-post and Damien Johnston headed back to give Feeney the simple task of tapping in from four yards.
The co-chairs of the Task Force advocated for it in a Washington Post editorial yesterday.
The task of re-reading Muslim history, specially the earliest years of the post-Prophetic period, is not one of retrospectively reading our standards into what was narrated in the formative period, but finding clues in that narrative to explain the subsequent development of Muslim politics into our time.
In the last week, we have shifted control of skimming assets to the commander and the Incident Command Post in Alabama, who is responsible for Mississippi, Alabama and Florida -- and actually have detached a task force to work for him to push out 50 miles offshore and find these smaller patches and try and deal with them before they get to shore.