Such has also significantly improved the overall near-term technical postures of gold and silver.
Both the technical and fundamental postures of the gold market have improved a bit recently.
FORBES: A.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Gold Near Steady as Bulls Gain More Confidence
Then followed postures, shoulderstands, headstands, deep breathing in the Lotus position and meditative rest.
ECONOMIST: Pattabhi Jois, a yoga teacher, died on May 18th, aged 93
They seem to be caught in midstream, in postures of surprise, action or voluptuous movement.
WSJ: Rome's Piazza Navona: Perfection, Squared | Masterpiece by Willard Spiegelman
Sign up for a class to learn how to perform yoga postures and the proper breathing techniques.
The technical postures for gold and silver are overall bullish, which continues to invite trader and investor demand.
FORBES: Comex Gold Trades Near Steady As Market Consolidates
To be sure, repeated movement of the arms and wrists, especially in awkward postures, often leads to injury.
Both the technical and fundamental postures of the gold market have improved recently.
The near-term and longer-term technical postures of the gold market remain fully bullish.
FORBES: Comex Gold Ends Near Steady As Market Pauses; Technicals Remain Fully Bullish
Mr Jois first saw these yoga postures performed in one connected sequence in the 1920s, when he was 12.
ECONOMIST: Pattabhi Jois, a yoga teacher, died on May 18th, aged 93
The overall postures of the U.S. dollar index and crude oil remain underlying bearish factors for the raw commodity sector.
FORBES: Comex Gold Ends Modestly Up on Chart Consolidation; Bulls Still Have Some Momentum
Though Lil Buck has ballet schooling in his background, the ballet postures for his "Agon" riffs looked more approximate than authoritative.
With images of the fighting spreading around the globe, the U.S. found itself lagging the more aggressive postures taken by Europe.
There are four postures people can adopt: keep it from happening, let it happen, help it happen and make it happen.
The near-term technical postures in both gold and silver markets have also improved recently, which is encouraging fresh speculative buying interest.
Their postures on the picnic table were both the same forward kind with their shoulders rounded and elbows on their knees.
The Mysore style is based on a fixed order of postures that students practice in a group setting at their own pace.
The rare movement disorder, which causes muscles to spasm and the body to twist into often painful postures, left Sean virtually immobile.
The technical postures for both gold and silver are also fully bullish.
FORBES: Comex Gold, Silver End Higher as Gold Sets Another New Record High
Those who had sat in constricted postures scored an average of 2.78.
ECONOMIST: How you hold yourself affects how you view yourself
Warmth is nonverbally displayed by signals that include open body postures, palm-up hand gestures, positive eye contact, synchronized movements, head nods and smiles.
The overall near-term technical postures for gold and silver continue to favor the bearish camps, and that is also limiting speculator demand for both.
FORBES: A.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Gold Lower as Stronger Greenback Squelches Bulls
As director and star, Van Peebles contracts a bad case of pulp megalomania he assumes epic postures as he photographs himself against the big sky.
The precious metals markets remain well-supported from a fundamental perspective, and the technical postures of gold and silver have also recently turned more near-term bullish.
FORBES: Comex Gold Backs Off Slightly on Profit Taking After Hitting Another New High Overnight
Coupled with an hour of poses ranging from breathing exercises to static postures, you will work up a detoxifying sweat and leave feeling balanced and rejuvenated.
Framed by six women as ladies-in-waiting, Ms. Meng's nymph showed extraordinarily sublime control, creating silken, ever-so-slightly changing postures as seamlessly and evocatively as wisps of vapor.
The near-term technical postures of the gold and silver markets remain tilted in favor of the bears, and that is limiting the upside for both metals.
FORBES: Comex Gold Ends Slightly Higher as Trading Remains Choppy
The NDP argued that adversaries were unlikely to pose the kind of conventional threat for which the BUR and QDR force postures had been primarily designed.
The precious metals markets remain well-supported from an overall fundamental perspective, and the technical postures of gold and silver have also recently turned more near-term bullish.
FORBES: Comex Gold Backs Off on Profit-Taking, Possible U.S. Debt Deal
Bikram says that he is not, in fact, trying to franchise or copyright yoga as such, only his specific sequence of postures and way of teaching it.