The dispute has flared in recent months as the region's potential energy reserves begin to draw growing attention.
Current solar power largely ignores near-infrared light and wastes about 40 percent of the potential energy it could harness.
While NASA aim to have a moon base by 2025 other space agencies and companies have expressed an interest in the moon and its potential energy reserves.
Chesapeake is looking at natural gas as a potential energy source to fuel its rigs due to the cost benefits and the environment friendly nature of the fuel.
Energy Secretary Ed Davey said shale gas was a promising new potential energy resource for the UK. It might contribute significantly to energy security and substitute for imports which are increasing as North Sea gas is decreasing.
Eternal happiness guides towards divinity but unfortunately missing out because we have been mechanized by the prevailing environmental factors , not finding leisure time at home and in the society which is corroding the efficiency and draining out the potential energy.
"Because the lake is generally warm and has a lot of moisture, we find that it generates this very big, what we call, convective potential energy, which generates a lot of cloudness and this unique nature of weather characterized by heavy thunderstorms which sometimes can be dangerous, " he explains.
Up to 15 percent of our potential wind energy resources are on Native American land, and the potential for solar energy is even higher.
Within the Energy 2030 Plan a national strategy to enable every state to realize its potential for energy productivity.
In this case you store electricity as the potential gravitational energy in the weight of water.
Thermal efficiency is how much of the potential heat energy of the fuel used is actually returned as work at the wheels.
To realize the potential of energy development and related sectors, Israel will require a much larger and direct role for foreign investors and companies.
And conservative America, once solidly sceptical, is now split over the issue, as Christians concerned about mankind's stewardship of the Earth, neo-cons keen to reduce America's dependency on the Middle East and farmers who see alternative energy as a new potential source of energy come round to the idea of cutting down on carbon.
Still, defeating such a bill is only the first in many, many steps along the arduous path to maximizing our own energy potential, and ultimately, completely securing our energy future.
AAT's renewable energy manager Helen Davies said: 'This is a key event in demonstrating the tremendous potential that renewable energy has for everyone.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | School cashes in on solar power
But hydrogen still has too much potential as an energy medium to shuffle quietly off the scene.
Anything larger would not be justified by the potential savings on energy bills.
In conventional electricity generation, roughly one third or so of the energy potential contained in the fuel is converted into electricity.
Obama says harnessing the full potential of alternative energy will take leadership from Washington, something he says McCain has not provided.
Its potential as an energy transit corridor to Europe was again made obvious during January's gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine.
But in order to truly harness our potential in clean energy we're going to have to do more, and that's why we're here.
We have astounding green energy potential and this government has a responsibility to make sure Scotland capitalises on the vast economic opportunities the industry presents.
The public deserves to know the truth about America's energy potential.
Investors see huge economic and job creation potential for renewable energy.
FORBES: Protecting Renewable Portfolio Standards from Cynical Attacks
Second, this trend coincides with new potential for improved energy efficiency in buildings, which substitutes better use of information for the wasteful use of energy and dramatically reduces the need for electricity production.
After years of fruitless exploration in the Eastern Mediterranean, Israel hit upon billions in potential revenue and energy independence in 2009 with the discovery of one of the largest offshore finds in a decade.
FORBES: What does an Israel-Turkey Awakening Mean for Mediterranean Gas?
In July she gave her party's support to prime minister Singh's much-anticipated reform initiative for the country, which will include building infrastructure, increasing energy potential and managing food, fuel and fertilizer in the crowded nation.