Ms. Egan said it was too early to ascertain how much oil had leaked and determine any potential environmental impact.
WSJ: BP to Cut Oil Production on Alaska's North Slope
But before the first 24 hours were out, and while the search-and-rescue operation was ongoing, the Coast Guard was eyeing the potential environmental impact of the explosion.
WSJ: Coast Guard Log Details Early Hours of Spill
The Obama administration rejected the initial proposal from the Canadian energy company TransCanada, saying it needed more time to gauge the potential environmental impact of the project.
An expedition to assess the potential environmental impact of extracting the nodules will be launched this summer amid concerns that massive "vacuuming" operations to harvest the nodules might cause lasting damage to ecosystems.
BBC: UK Seabed Resources joins deep-ocean mineral-mining rush
Objectors are unhappy at its size, location, cost, environmental impact and potential health implications.
BBC: Javelin Park - site of the proposed incinerator page
Objections include its size, location, cost, environmental impact and potential health implications.
BBC: Javelin Park waste incinerator recommended for approval
Infratil was required to undertake the environmental impact assessments in case there was a potential effect on legally protected wildlife sites in the vicinity.
BBC: Environmental boost for Manston Airport night flights
The note summarizes the broad scientific consensus on the potential impact of climate change on water resources and water users as well as helps us understand the environmental, social and economic implications.
UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences
But it said potential risks included public health hazards and environmental damage, disruption during construction, long term use of land, and an impact on the community from changes to the environment, property values and tourism.
BBC: Romney Marsh nuclear waste plan opposed by 63%