Alcina takes a liking to Ruggiero and quickly seduces him with a love potion.
When they tied him up and went inside to brew their special miniaturizing potion Wham!
"There's no magic potion that's going to solve our party's woes with Hispanics, " he said.
Putting this recipe together, I felt a little like I was preparing a witch's potion.
Meanwhile, Friar Tuck is giving Juliet a potion that mimics death but only puts her to sleep.
After two weeks without a shipment, 1, 000 bottles of the potion arrived in Little Rock on Monday morning.
But outside of Hollywood, no drug passes muster as a potion capable of getting accurately at the truth.
One must ask the staff to retrieve whatever lotion or potion you may be searching for, however intimate.
Bazan wants to line up a big drug company to peddle the potion.
But Li accepted his new appearance, and Laozi rewarded him with an unbreakable staff and a gourd of healing potion.
This magic potion (brandy with a few added ingredients) promised to relieve all symptoms of what was really cultural malaise.
In 2007, Mr Jammeh announced that he could cure HIV-Aids in just three days with a special potion of secret herbs.
Never in the history of mankind has someone come up with a system, device, or potion that infuses someone with authentic respect.
QE3 is potion for the markets but possibly not for the economy.
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While the commercial antiviral drugs actually target flu viruses, oscillococcinum is a potion based on imaginary notions about health and disease.
But instead Kevorkian administered the fatal "death potion" to Youk himself, inviting prosecutors to charge him with first-degree murder for the first time.
Their potion is finding kids who are already talented and molding them into useful pieces for the best soccer team in the world.
Chermoula is a magical potion that brightens up almost anything savory.
As Dulcamara, who sells Nemorino the eponymous potion that is supposed to make Adina fall in love (it's actually wine), baritone Ambrogio Maestri comes off best.
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Coupling relaxed immigration rules with easy handouts amid a cauldron of boiling animus for the customs and people of their host country brews a rank potion.
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The restaurant serves League-themed dishes like deep fried Skarners, aka deep friend scorpions, a delicacy in parts of China, along with other champion-based meals and potion-based cocktails.
One of the most active investors in the quarter was TIAA-CREF, which bought a 70% stake in the residential potion of the MiMA at 460 West 42nd Street.
It's when her acolytes start stalking her, desperate to have their skin healed by her soothing touch and her secret enzyme-and-zinc potion, which leaves skin baby-soft and plump.
It started when Vandy grads and Georgia debutantes decided they wanted an extra kick in their beloved sweet tea (black tea sweetened with sugar, simple syrup or some other saccharine potion).
He reasoned that by adding the least reactive ingredients of his potion first and by using broken-down water molecules instead of intact H2O, he could prevent the premature gelling that had plagued his peers.
That subsidy is then (hopefully, at least the airtime provider hopes it will be) recouped over the 18 month, two year, life of the contract in some potion of the monthly fees being paid.
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When Orphan Medical, which was later bought by Jazz, filed its new drug application with the FDA, the street drug gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) was in the news as a date-rape potion and drug of abuse.
Flasks can have special modifiers that make them more desirable, such as a health potion that conveys the health immediately instead of over 8 seconds, or one that dispels chilling or cold effects when consumed.