During the meal, the geisha will chat with guests, pour drinks and light cigarettes.
Drinkers pour hot water over the grains and drink it through a straw, which blocks the millet.
Members are the only customers allowed to take their bottle to the table and pour their own drinks.
Pour pink with lobster, crab or salmon and you will be loving your life.
The ugly news is continuing to pour out fast and furious at Gerova Financial.
Sometimes these lenders pour good money after bad, praying the condo climate will turn around soon.
Les radios communautaires encouragent des dialogues ouverts, une transparence locale et une voix pour les sans-voix.
Once done, pour into a pitcher and store in the fridge for up to 6 weeks.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing the top with the rubber spatula.
CNN: Food Central - Recipes - Incredible Melted Ice-Cream Cake
It takes time to conceive projects, move peasants, survey land, flatten mountains and pour cement.
We raised the funnel and attempted to pour batter through it while moving it in spirals.
Now you can just pour it through the Vinturi and call it a day.
The instructions say to pour the additive in your engine, or in your radiator.
FORBES: Snake-Oil Alert: So-Called Additive Warranties For Your Car
Information from Boston continues to pour in, much of it incomplete, most of it terrifying.
Some may welcome Downing Street's decision to pour cold water on the corporation tax campaign.
As bottles and packages become smaller, Mr. Lowry believes, consumers will be less apt to over-pour.
People pour themselves a glass of wine, draw the curtains and settle down on the sofa.
At this uncertain hour we need to pour on the gratitude for our blessings.
Pour de nombreux parents, le mariage de leurs filles est plus important que leur scolarisation.
Aujourd'hui, environ 15 pour cent de la population mondiale vit avec une certaine forme de handicap.
Meanwhile, billions of dollars pour out of Medicare and Medicaid because of waste and fraud.
En 2002, on comptait un peu plus de 10 internautes pour 100 personnes dans le monde.
In the kitchen she watched me pour the thick greenish-white liquid into the sink.
Pour the butter into a large bowl and let cool slightly, 5 to 10 minutes.
Great editors, it's been said, create vessels into which writers can pour their work.
WSJ: A-Heds: The Wall Street Journal's Page One Column Explained
Pour another layer of warm polenta over the mozzarella, spreading it evenly to the edges.
On the floor were irregularly shaped burn patterns that perfectly resembled pour patterns and puddle configurations.
We won't pour billions of pesos into that area if we're only looking at quick profits.
If you want to pour over the figures yourself, check out the source below.
When you pour the water onto the low spot, it is where the puddles form.