In contrast to previous referendums, which were problems for the entire EU, Ireland holds no power of veto.
Following that the panel, in private, will make a decision on whether to recommend the appointment, recommend against the appointment or use their power of veto.
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Senator McCain also promises to use the power of veto in defence of the public interest - and as a chief executive, I can assure you it works.
Given that the UN Security Council, where Russia holds the power of veto, has not endorsed the plan, I asked what authority Mr Feith has today in Kosovo as ICR.
At a debate in New York on February 29th, John Kerry argued that the administration had in practice made a peaceful settlement impossible by giving the opposition a power of veto over its terms.
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The Tories hope that by taking the power of veto over new schools away from officials, they would end the zero-sum game in which a good school place for one child means one fewer for others.
As I have said before, I do not believe that there is any basis in law for arguing that there is an implied condition of reasonableness which can be read into the power of veto conferred on the permanent members of the Security Council by the UN Charter.
The effect of local veto power has recently come under fire after a series of local projects were halted after years of delays.
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Though the combination still needs to squeeze past regulators in order to become official, Thomson appears to have, crucially, won the approval of Reuters Group's trustees, who have the power the veto any takeover of the 156-year-old company.
Yet, so far, regional military leaders seem to have won only a modicum of veto power over what their men can be told to do, not full control.
The chancellor of the exchequer will also be given the power to veto any decision by the Bank of England to bail out a bank which is in financial trouble.
They complain the legislation has too many exemptions and gives ministers too much power to veto the release of certain information.
If the Commons were to remain with its current electoral system, and if the devolved assemblies turned out not to be as powerful as is often assumed, then it might well make sense to increase the power of the Lords, adding veto and initiative powers to its current ability only to revise and delay.
The French like the idea of countries retaining veto power in certain areas.
Tricky tax measures and spending cuts are looming and the Bundesrat has the power to veto at least some of them.
Often decisions go through a chain of several people, many of whom have the power to veto, but not the power to approve.
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What vexes Prodi and other big-government types is that individual nations still have veto power over a number of issues, most particularly taxation.
What vexes Prodi and other big-government types is that individual nations still have veto power over a number of issues, particularly taxation.
In gold writing on purple parchment, the 10th-century Holy Roman Emperor Otto I asserts his veto power over the election of new pontiffs.
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It will also give the chancellor the power to veto decisions made by the Bank of England when dealing with bank bailouts and other interventions.
Park faces an opposition with a strengthened veto power, and the possibility of organized resistance to her foreign policy initiatives by prominent liberal groups, Park Ihn-hwi, a professor at Ewha Womans University in South Korea, wrote on the Council on Foreign Relations' website.
They are unlikely to unite as a coherent third force of politics, but have great veto power over national matters.
Both Russia and France - as two of the five permanent members of the Security Council - have the power to veto the US draft plan, as does permanent member China.
The Spanish government, once the owner of both Repsol and Endesa, maintains veto power over acquisitions by both companies.
How can a legislative body--at the local, state, federal or international level--have any chance of passing workable legislation when single legislators hold veto power?
Other common sense changes from No Labels include requiring political parties, not the taxpayers, to pay for presidential fund-raising trips, allowing the President a form of line item veto, and giving the President power to re-organize government agencies.
As for delegation, Dennis today runs none of his companies, having appointed himself chairman with veto power over such decisions as board appointments, executive salaries and acquisitions.
Despite the overhaul of the federal system, state premiers still have substantial veto power.
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The government will install new management and will have veto power over all important decisions, including asset sales and payment of dividends.
He and his family wanted a stake of at least one third in the new group to ensure veto power on key decisions.