These men, often powerful and wealthy, were usually the outcasts all through high school and college, he said.
The American-born son of a half-Chinese commoner accidentally inherits a throne close to extinction and revives it, creating one of the world's most powerful and wealthy monarchies, and surely the only one of any significance to have gained in political power in modern times.
On June 18th Obert Mpofu, Zimbabwe's powerful and wealthy minister of mines, told a meeting of his country's chamber of commerce that he had got a letter from the Kimberley Process demanding Mr Maguwu's immediate release if Zimbabwe were to be allowed to resume diamond trading.
But his group is facing a powerful (and wealthy) opposition and momentum seems to be building to make the tax ban permanent.
Family members said Mr. Paladino would return to his life and business in Buffalo, where he is a wealthy and powerful force in local affairs and a ubiquitous presence in the community.
It seems that Sorkin wants to convict Jobs of lacking the moral character for not using his wealth and prominent position in the world of commerce to set an example for others less wealthy and less powerful than him.
FORBES: Why Andrew Ross Sorkin Should Apologize to Steve Jobs
Others see a dark side to the presence around Estrada of these wealthy and powerful men.
For now, this section of is all about wealthy and powerful people.
FORBES: Update: Charting how consumers "Path" through our Billionaires list - Forbes
And, yes, despite their prodigious talent, they had to tailor their music to the whims of their wealthy and powerful benefactors.
FORBES: How The Music Industry Is Killing Music And Blaming The Fans
Since India has hundreds of millions of small farmers, and a powerful bloc of wealthy farmers, that's a tax break few politicians dare challenge.
But, for the effective activist, the policy arguments around America must stop blinding them to the basic decency of Americans, even wealthy and powerful ones.
Kennedy was heir to a wealthy and powerful political leadership legacy.
It allowed a few individuals to become very wealthy and powerful.
Many northerners voted for him because he was a Muslim or because most of them are as poor as any southern Nigerian, despite the north's wealthy and powerful upper class.
That's why Forbes has been tracking the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential chronicling their ups and downs as a central part of our mission all these years.
The West, for the most part, is wealthy, and our military is the most powerful in the world.
CNN: Sebastian Junger: The bin Laden tape and the war in Afghanistan
There are very few ways to become rich and powerful quickly, but Prince Albert found one: Have fabulously wealthy ancestors.
Right now, the related content takes you to the profile pages of other wealthy or powerful people, broken down by industry, state and country, among other filters.
FORBES: Update: Charting how consumers "Path" through our Billionaires list - Forbes
And it just shows you that just because you're powerful or you're wealthy, that's not what's important.
WHITEHOUSE: The President Brings Christmas Cheer to Boys and Girls Club