Transporter v2.0 will launch sometime in June -- hit the break for the full PR.
When PR newbies come to me they often do so with a press release in hand.
The " No to AV, Yes to PR", is backed by former SDP leader Lord Owen.
Any old PR hack will tell you - "regret, reason, rectify" - as soon as possible.
For big companies, raising money matters less than gaining information about customers or even good PR.
Unless of course the studio was fishing for some free PR, no matter what.
Which leaves me with one question: Who really needs a PR company anymore?
This job is basically a PR post, but none the less important for that.
Take a look at the gallery below and hit the break for the PR.
Cablevision is doing its darndest to villify New Corp. with a relentless PR campaign.
That never got in the way of a good PR-grabbing, sheep-baiting headline of course.
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As with all effective PR, there is some truth in the arguments coming from both sides.
"I think that would be a PR black eye for them now, " the analyst said.
Few business environments see more daily disruption and overload today than brand and PR departments.
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His promotion plan was centered around traditional PR, supplemented with radio and billboard ads.
Kirsty Du Toit, who works in PR in South Africa, knew Miss Steenkamp through work contacts.
In January, he joined the PR firm Global Strategy Group as an executive vice president.
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Your advertising and PR agencies poured millions into hyping this creation just the way you hoped.
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And one that quickly generated over 10 million views on YouTube, causing a migraine-worthy PR headache.
But he actually got his start as a PR guy for a TV preacher.
Bespoke research and PR suddenly made it appear that there were two sides of this issue.
Baseball will have a PR problem to handle, with no real attendance boost in return.
Of interest to me, and by extension, my PR-minded readers, is what happened next.
So if you are a PR pro reading this, give your marketing person a ring.
Scott points out that old habits die hard among traditional marketers and PR professionals.
Early PR trades like PR Journal and PR News were more industry booster publications.
The lawyers and PR reps involved in the case will buy Maseratis and vacation homes.
We all agreed that it was as bad as it gets in the PR business.
Take Tom Cruise, who was beset in a PR crisis before Suri entered the world.
Develop PR strategies and manage the execution of product publicity through pre-launch, launch, and post-launch phases.