Best of all, doubt fades to be replaced with experience, the kind of practical knowledge only real bruises can teach.
Although this book is written in slightly mannered mandarin English, Sir David's practical knowledge, common sense and decency shine through.
Angels want the satisfaction of putting their commercial acumen, contacts and practical knowledge to work on behalf of talented people whom they like.
What is sorely missing in Washington is practical knowledge about the nature of the abuses that are prevalent in the hedge fund arena today.
The purpose of the project is to bring together the state-of-the-art in scientific and practical knowledge on SSM and to make that knowledge available through a practical training course.
It was compounded from a mixture of practical knowledge of things like metallurgy, pharmacy and glassmaking with the Greek practice of analysing and theorising about the world that is known as philosophy.
ECONOMIST: The twisted history of alchemy: Alchemists, ancient and modern | The
Theoretical and practical knowledge of human resources.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Assistant Career Development Officer (27/6/2011) (HRM 154 - (P1P2))
For example, instead of outsourcing more call centres to India or other developing countries, companies might employ people in America or Europe who have good practical knowledge of products or services and can deal with inquiries from home.
Practical knowledge of project management.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Assistant Career Development Officer (27/6/2011) (HRM 154 - (P1P2))
Much later, at the same time as wanting to learn more about all this public space, to have a geographic and practical knowledge - that is by getting hold of maps and keys to use the tunnels - we realized this really was the ideal location for numerous projects.
UpToDate is just that: a resource of practical medical knowledge that is updated frequently by experts.
Looking to put his knowledge to practical work, Goodfellow worked at Britain's Imperial Cancer Research Fund for 13 years.
The University integrates today more than 30 educational and scientific institutions and has accumulated considerable theoretical and practical educational potential and knowledge.
Thinking of engineers here, and the clamoring for more engineering degrees, anyone teaching the discipline would as a rule be imparting knowledge of no practical use.
FORBES: Sorry Left AND Right, No Job Requires A College Degree
During my first year of teaching, I sometimes wondered if the knowledge would ever have any practical use.
Thorough knowledge of the theory and practical application of the techniques used in educational planning and the social sciences, as well as extensive and relevant experience in conducting of training.
Given the vulnerability of paper and print before the arrival of the internet, it is not surprising that those who valued the transmission of information over time included oral or experiential transmission of skills in all kinds of hands-on, practical settings among the sources of lasting knowledge to be treasured.
BBC: A Point of View: Why didn't Harry Potter just use Google?
We should reject the sometimes implied disdain for applied, practical research relative to basic in in advancing basic knowledge.
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Knowledge of history can be of real practical use, even in business.
The selection process puts socially defined characteristics, such as the outsized reputation of an executive like Mr Dimon, ahead of relevant practical skills and experience (Mr Dimon had little knowledge of retail banking or credit-card operations, two of Bank One's biggest and, in the second case, most problematic businesses).
ECONOMIST: Are headhunters to blame for the damaging cult of charisma?
The Higgs boson feels untouchably esoteric, a fragment of pure knowledge that may never be applied in the practical world.
The practical one is that such coercion implies an unjustified claim of knowledge, even certainty.
But I shared a lot of knowledge, and gave time and a lot of practical help as well, bc I wanted to help others.
FORBES: 10 Ways To Help Others That Will Lead You To Success
On the contrary, procedures that rely on the statement of explicit reasons systematically exclude those individuals who are less able to engage in the articulate persuasion of majorities but who may still possess valuable knowledge embodied in the exercise of entrepreneurship, a practical skill or adherence to a particular ethical code.
Geothermal energy is buried miles deep underground and is, for all practical purposes, impossible to find without a fair amount of technical knowledge, testing and so forth.
Either they went to Scotland to be taught, or else they learned at their father's workbench, picking up practical scraps that, combined with evening study, cohered into a system of proper knowledge.
Knowledge about basic maintenance of a car will now be a feature of the practical test set by the Driving Standards Agency.
Therefore, universalism, criticism, unitarity of knowledge, relevance of basic resarch, namely research which is not immediately addressing any practical application, attention towards different cultures, consideration of our history, and attention not merely to the technical aspects of the scientists, but also to the cultural ones.