Even the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brothers, Hamas, has been groping towards practical politics (see article).
But even during the heyday of Thatcherism, practical politics made it impossible for the government to attempt this.
It shows us that practical politics has much less to do with ideas than it has to do with the emotions they feel while watching sports.
But from the point of view of practical politics, the lesson is simple enough: start shooting at any target in the middle of the political landscape.
Such dogmatism may be hard to square with practical politics.
It means that once Demosites depart from the broad historical and social themes they so enjoy and return to the world of practical politics and policy the result can be anti-climactic, even bathetic.
But while theoretically attractive, the practical politics are fearsome.
The irony is that modern American liberalism has become a movement grounded less in practical politics than a sort of religious fervor and often requiring the same strong faith in the face of disappointment and failure.
Sir Samuel's articles express a consistent and meticulously thought-through view of the world one that is deeply concerned with practical politics, but which repudiates conventional ideological labels, revealing the ordinary tug-of-war between the main political tribes as so much worthless blather.
She said she knew "the importance of connecting the concerns of local communities with those of the wider Labour movement" and was "brought up in a family where practical politics was part of everyday life, both through the trade unions and in local councils".
The most practical kind of politics is the politics of decency, Theodore Roosevelt once said.
The practical and procedural politics of the UN is trickier, but unless the last-minute negotiations deliver something dramatic, the arguments in favour of at least securing the Vatican option surely outweigh stasis.
Establishmentarians once more are lecturing activists and candidates those who, in the words of Rand Paul, "actually believe in limited government and individual freedom" on the practical limits of principles in politics.
WSJ: Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe: What Do Republicans Believe?
Part of the answer can be found in the politics and part in some practical concerns.
Former Labour cabinet minister Hazel Blears called for "practical action", such as internships, to help attract a wider range of people to politics.
But the nature of American politics, and, in the case of arming Taiwan, American law, gives American presidents little practical option but to aggravate China on these issues.