High margins, Jelenic says, are partly a bounty for helping trailblaze the practice of buying community papers in geographic bunches to lure ad dollars from metro dailies and trim expenses through staff consolidation.
After eight years of postgraduate study, I opened a solo pediatrics practice in a community of 10, 000 souls an hour from Boston.
Desist from the practice of discouraging their community not to cooperate with the FBI, and, instead, encourage them to cooperate fully with law enforcement authorities trying to keep us all safe.
Miftaah is a project for the development and promotion of FOSS in the Arab region through an online community of practice composed by several university institutions.
Women of the Bakgatla ba Kgafela community of Botswana practice earthenware pottery-making skills using clay soil, weathered sandstone and other materials to make pots of different forms, designs and styles that relate to the traditional rituals and beliefs of the community.
It began in 1997 when a group of thirty-five women from one small village became the first to stand up and publicly declare an end to the practice of FGC in their community.
Their courage in goring so many of Hollywood's sacred cows is palpable given that community's notorious practice of ensuring that those who are shunned never "eat lunch" (read, work) in that town again.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Vote early and often-- at the box office
The GEF Global Groundwater Community of Practice (CoP), coordinated and facilitated by UNESCO-IHP, will be launched during the conference.
Firstly, the event served as a launching pad for UNESCO's work in the mobile learning arena to grow a global community of practice that can be mobilized in support of Education for All (EFA) goals.
This is the beginning of the farmers dance of China s Korean ethnic group, a popular folk practice passed on by senior members of a community to younger generations.
The efforts of Kingsmead Community School's practice News Day could be heard on 10Radio, the new community radio station for the villages of the Ten Parishes of Somerset.
By the '70s he was combining the practical technology and functional rationalism of modernist practice with a more conscious relationship of a building to its culture and community.
The learning and sharing of good practice experience amongst HELP basins have greatly benefited the global community to improve the sustainable management of water resources, through continuous dialogue and involvement of stakeholders from the community to government level.
The practice deepens the sense of affiliation with the local community, for both the participants and the many residents who come to observe the tradition each year.
Most recently, Asim served as Director of the Urban Health Initiative at the University of Chicago Medical Center, where he directed a key institutional initiative to improve health outcomes through strategic partnerships and lead several Medical Center departments and community partners to implement community-based models of practice.
South Korea, meanwhile, pleaded with the international community to set aside the normal practice of refusing to negotiate with hostage-takers, and relatives of some of the remaining hostages appealed for U.S. help in freeing their loved ones.
Others say that by using the comment service, websites in practice hand over their most valuable asset: the community of users.
The practice became more widespread in the community after a small number of individuals who were held in high esteem because of their community spirit applied it successfully to create land and produce food.
But Ms Heald, from Stathern in the Vale of Belvoir, rejected the article and said the practice brought the community together.
"In the event of a health emergency at this independent living community our practice is to immediately call emergency medical personnel for assistance and to wait with the individual needing attention until such personnel arrives, " Jeffrey Toomer said in a written statement.
BBC: Lorraine Bayless death: Inquiry after nurse refuses CPR
The knowledge behind the practice of building the daldal is now known to all male members of the community, but some Irob men are regarded as more skilful than others in adapting and improving the daldal and in experimenting with different ways of using the niches that they have created for crop, grass and tree production.
I've also done a lot when I was home secretary, minister of the interior, to ensure that the Muslim community in France could practice their religion and their creed like any other -- any other religion or creed in France.
To move in the direction of becoming a classic, data scientists need to create a big community without diluting the practice.