The United States already conducts warfare under the norms of centuries of practice of customary international law in areas such as military necessity and proportionality, as well as the norms to which we committed ourselves when we became party to the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the United Nations Charter.
The Judiciary Committee should consider how this accord will further the practice of subordinating domestic law to international jurisprudence.
This applies particularly to Kosovo, part of Serbia in law, but in practice an international protectorate, with many ethnic Albanians straining at the lead for independence.
BBC: Analysis: Motives behind Yugoslavia's demise
So I think this is important for international country to work with them, helping them, and make sure that they reinstall -- they bring the true democracy in term of -- the real democracy that the international law with the practice and close the gap, and make sure that people will have better life and better jobs.
WHITEHOUSE: The White House