Many independent practicing physicians are seeking employment at larger hospital systems to avoid administrative burdens.
The smile is there because he is practicing living at that instant of danger.
Practicing skydiving with teams of 20 or more divers is both expensive and dangerous.
Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them.
These would be practicing lawyers who worked for the tribunal but only when needed.
It was a short jump from there to practicing, teaching, writing and breathing tax.
But striking a baseball isn't as easy as it looks -- has Harry been practicing?
In the 1700s and 1800s, most people practicing science made a living in other fields.
Are actually practicing safe sex or having, you know, conversations around healthy relationships and safe sex.
Practicing these principles enhances your leadership at all times and helps you be prepared for challenges.
He spent, I reckon, virtually his entire adult life practicing his superb military skills.
De Niese hoofed her way through as if she had been practicing for weeks.
To date, the company has shown very little convincing evidence of practicing fair and responsible business.
Some say the hedge funds are now practicing arbitrage, playing GOOG short and AAPL long.
While practicing landings in his early model Citation, Munson flew too low on final approach.
As an added bonus, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders were practicing during most of the gaming session.
Instead, dust yourself off and jump right back into practicing the new way of working.
Harrington, 64, is a veteran oral surgeon who started practicing more than 35 years ago.
The most profitable thing he should be doing for his firm is practicing law.
Two are still practicing in Texas and the third moved out of the country.
They encounter sudden combustion inside mock cabins, practicing ducking under flames to stay alive.
WSJ: Airplane Fires: Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport's Firefighter Training
This Danville, CA house for sale includes an in-ground trampoline perfect for practicing aerial moves.
Four days before that, Blackburn was practicing with the Giants for the first time this season.
WSJ: Different Number, Same Chase Blackburn for the New York Giants
The federal government can (for a nice change) begin practicing what it preaches by controlling itself.
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Think of this as a way of practicing brand-building, which is fast becoming a 21st-Century skill.
"I'm going to be doing a lot of practicing from now until the tryout, " she said.
He expresses bigoted views towards Catholics (of which Fellowes, a practicing Catholic, must surely disapprove).
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By now, everyone involved in the shuttle mission is tired of practicing, Wojtalik said.
But Dr Deregnaucourt believes this could be because the juvenile is practicing without any crucial feedback.
He later served as chief of police at Cal Poly Pomona before he started practicing law.