The president practised a policy of containment, his face rigid with diplomatically suppressed emotions.
Even big chain hairdressers offer cheap cuts if you are willing to be practised on.
Taekkyeon is also practised by a great number of people as a daily activity.
Calf-biting is regularly practised at the festival as is known by the German name of Wad'lbeisser.
And he deflects enquiries about the progress of Bonds 24 and 25 with practised ease.
He practised law in Little Rock and began serving as Deputy White House Counsel in 1994.
He can show us just what kind of capitalism was practised by the famed Gujarati capitalists.
Ms O'Toole says that hardly any American cities have practised their response to a biological attack.
ECONOMIST: Biowarfare could be the worst terrorist threat of all
Mr Leonard has decided views about the inadequacy of foreign policy as it is currently practised.
He preached austerity, yet practised prodigality, doling out favours and privileges with flair and precision.
Socialised medicine, as practised more or less everywhere outside America, scores better in this respect.
Outsourcing, long practised by American firms, is spreading to Europe as businesses cut costs.
We have just disrespected the ball and we didn't do the things we have practised to do.
President Jagdeo is now practised at international grandstanding about ceding Guyana's rainforests in a noble global cause.
Expressionism, as practised by David Bomberg with whom he studied, made its mark on him early on.
Conscientious and sensitive, he tries hard to win the inmates' trust and to evade their practised wiles.
Muslims themselves disagree over how, if at all, these penalties should be practised in the modern world.
He is tall and bulky, with the broad, ready smile and easy manner of a practised populist.
Nearly nine out of 10 teachers said they practised nonsense words in the run up to the test.
The father-of-two from Burnley, Lancashire, was shot as the unit practised in Newton Heath on 9 June, 2008.
Now practised as a performing art throughout Korea, it can be seen as a representative Korean folk art.
Many religious practices (such as polygamy, once practised by Mormons) are clearly illegal.
His grandfather, who studied law but never practised, was always known as avvocato.
They practised Celtic paganism and believed Tara to be both the dwelling place of the gods and the gateway to the Otherworld.
He believed that free medical care was a human right in a civilised country, and he never practised privately.
His family, he once said, practised the teachings of John Calvin (1509-64), a Protestant fundamentalist highly influential in Scotland.
As one Westerner who has practised maritime and commercial law in Shanghai for the past 15 years, I disagree.
Although widely practised throughout China, its performance centres on Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai.
Most often practised as a communal activity, embroidery strengthens interpersonal relationships and community cohesion, while allowing for individual artistic expression.
These men and their colleagues made up the "Chicago School" (who some say practised the "Commercial Style"), which stressed economy, simplicity and function.