"At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, it was practised widely, especially when men were travelling away from home on business or at war, " he said.
In order to ensure that it remains viable, the community s priorities are to promote its transmission and to obtain its recognition beyond the geographical area in which it is practised.
It is practised in the traditional dance halls of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, spreading the spirit of its community across the globe even as it adapts to new environments and changing times.
Mr Leonard has decided views about the inadequacy of foreign policy as it is currently practised.
The cultural meaning of the practice anyway varies across the belt of Africa from Senegal to Somalia, among Muslims and Christians, where it is widely practised.
ECONOMIST: Banning the practice may not be the best way of ending it
The data, released by the UN children's charity and UN population fund on the international day calling for an end to FMG, showed that the younger generation was less vulnerable to female circumcision in 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East where it is usually practised.
Now practised as a performing art throughout Korea, it can be seen as a representative Korean folk art.
The whole point of representative democracy, of the kind practised for centuries at Westminster and in most Western democracies, is that it acts as a brake on "wild and irrational decisions", he reasoned.
In Africa and Asia, the colonial rulers never practised democracy, though Britain made ever-so-timid, belated steps towards it in India.
Handed down over centuries from master to pupil, it is the only whistled language in the world that is fully developed and practised by a large community (more than 22, 000 inhabitants).
If they have not practised reading and writing, younger children especially tend to forget much of what they have learned, making it hard to pick up where they left off.