Last year the auction house sold a collection of Gandhi material, including his glasses and prayer book.
With its poverty and its stigma, this place has always been more about the prayer book than the cheque book.
Inside a nearby church, scribbles over dozens of pages in a prayer book reflect a city anxious about the future.
Debra hopes the prayer book will help keep her son and the other soldiers in the 307th engineering battalion safe.
Last year the auction house sold a collection of Gandhi material, including his glasses and prayer book, which Mr Westwood-Brookes called "highly important".
In the meantime, Debra has been doing research to try to find out more about the first three soldiers who were caretakers of the prayer book.
There is a lock of hair, the chemise Marie-Antoinette wore in the Temple prison, and the tiny prayer book in which she penned a final message to her children.
Littrell said he doesn't recall meeting Jenkins, but wanted the 22-year-old to have the prayer book after having many conversations over the years with his father, Tom, a former co-worker.
But for all its imposing stately grandeur, this was the simple Anglican prayer book service, its late medieval language bringing the congregation uncompromisingly face to face with the reality of death.
"I actually have my boarding pass framed now, and it's sitting on my desk, right next to a little prayer book I keep with its page turned to Psalm 23, " he said.
Debra called Littrell's gesture "amazing" and thinks Michael will be honored he was chosen to be the keeper of the prayer book until it is his time to entrust it to another deserving soldier.
Hebrew lettering was stenciled on the butcher shop window and engraved on the lintels of the small neighborhood synagogues, but nowhere else (other than at the cemetery) did one's eye chance to land on the alphabet of the prayer book rather than on the familiar letters of the native tongue employed all the time by practically everyone for every conceivable purpose, high or low.
And as I become more advanced on computers, maybe I'll start a Web site and share a message or have a prayer, promote my book.
Close your eyes, take a nap, say a prayer, read a book and stay as long as you like in the soundproof and low light room, which seems miles away from the chaos of the West End neighbourhood outside.
In the sixteenth century, the wide circulation of English Bible translations and the Book of Common Prayer brought a new degree of standardization.
In Damascus, the traditions of Ramadan are as old as the Koran, Islam's holy book: a month of introspection and prayer, no food or water from sunup to sundown.
He sat at the table reading a book, his back straight, his head bent as if in prayer.