If credit lines could pre-empt crises of illiquidity, that still leaves the problem of insolvency.
Do short-term problems and opportunities frequently pre-empt and undermine our progress toward longer-term goals and objectives?
Announcing an intention to pre-empt is dangerous because even small tactical movements can be misinterpreted.
Little people actors also don't like it when filmmakers pre-empt roles meant for them.
WSJ: Little People Wait for 'Mirror Mirror' and 'Snow White and the Huntsman'
And to pre-empt pressure for a fresh vote, Mr Fujimori has started a charm offensive.
So some in the private-equity business want to pre-empt rather than resist calls for more transparency.
Legislative proposals to pre-empt new federal gun restrictions also have arisen in Wyoming, Utah and Alaska.
If Apple started filling the education channel with iPad2s, it would simply, totally and forever more pre-empt competition.
Perhaps to pre-empt criticisms of inept oversight, a string of regulators has nonetheless announced investigations into the trade.
As first conceived, it would have had enforcement powers and tried to pre-empt state failure, not just cure it.
Mr Jones has suggested that the newspaper was trying to pre-empt a judicial gag order by publishing first on-line.
That gives dealers more opportunity to nurture a relationship with customers, and potentially pre-empt any wavering toward, say, Mercedes-Benz.
Mr Maude said he did not want to "pre-empt" the POA executive's decision.
Simultaneously he is in command of the marketing aspect and of his persona as he tries to pre-empt journalists' questions.
The Deputy Leader of the Commons, David Heath, said the motion was not intended to "pre-empt" the Procedure Committee's conclusions.
Depositors would rush to get their savings out of the country to pre-empt a forced conversion to a new, weaker currency.
King Abdullah could pre-empt this by appointing a second deputy prime minister.
Chris Rudge says he doesn't want to pre-empt their work, but makes it clear that the other solutions may be more immediate.
Presidents Aliev and Shevardnadze are doing their best to pre-empt these dangers.
Gradually, however, government oversight began to pre-empt the discipline of the marketplace.
Meanwhile, Tory Laura Sandys, suggested a "human MOT" for 40 and 50-year-olds to help pre-empt people's health issues and allow for early intervention.
In the meantime, several members are pressing ahead with bilateral trade agreements that pre-empt and, in the eyes of some, undermine collective negotiations.
So Cameron decided to pre-empt them and to pick a fight on his own terms and at a time and place of his choosing.
Opponents of Udall's plan argue that state-tailored plans are better for utilities and worry that a national mandate would pre-empt the standards in place.
"It may be that the Finra rules will pre-empt the state ban, but that's not been tested, " said Scott Rahn, a lawyer at Greenberg Traurig LLP.
The Muppets always have relied on a suspension of disbelief to pre-empt this sort of intrusive reality-based questioning, but the premise of their new show seems to demand belief.
But will he pre-empt calls for yet another round of reorganisation to be heaped on top of the changes already being so controversially implemented by the coalition.
But its chief objective seems to be defensive: to pre-empt the stunning rise of Google, a search engine which, though not a portal, could soon rival Yahoo!
As for tuition fees she said the government would not pre-empt the findings of the independent review it had commissioned into higher education funding and student finance.
Swift philanthropic action by the rich could pre-empt action from the new, and clearly pro-philanthropy, prime minister whilst also adding to the enjoyment and experience of being rich.