And in Belgium, some politicians have called for pre-emptive action to stop young Belgian Muslims from travelling.
But if Mr Weidmann is minded to take pre-emptive action, he will soon have the means to do so.
ECONOMIST: The Bundesbank should not exert its new clout too zealously
Prime Minister John Howard stated over the weekend that Australia would take pre-emptive action against terrorists in neighboring countries.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Australia asserts right to pre-emptive strike
Most lawyers believe that, even if Article 51 can be bent, an attack has to be imminent before any pre-emptive action is justified.
ECONOMIST: Lawyers on both sides are not short of ammunition
The other risk is that one of the two countries may mistake the other's defensive build-up as preparation for aggression and take pre-emptive action against it.
The first is more dangerous, and the case for pre-emptive action stronger, he argues, because it comes with a cycle of leveraging against rising asset values.
Officials say the doctrine of pre-emptive action will be formally embodied in a document called the National Security Strategy Report, which the administration must present to Congress soon.
Manager David Moyes has already stated that he hopes the club's pre-emptive action will persuade the player to stick with the club he has supported all his life.
But Europe's central bankers are already more worried about rising prices: hence the fear that they could take pre-emptive action too far, and push Europe's still-fragile economies back into recession.
"Those areas where the chief constables had decided to take pre-emptive action and get police officers on the streets quickly were able to contain this violence much more effectively, " he added.
The big banks will breathe a sigh of relief that 10% is expected to emerge as the new norm for their core capital ratio - partly because they have taken pre-emptive action and already meet that target.
That said, the Bank of England has tried to take pre-emptive action against this so-called deleveraging - by saying that new lending to households and businesses, under the Funding for Lending Scheme, will not attract any capital charge.
Mr Cheney's speech was the latest in a series by top administration officials promoting what is emerging as a new doctrine of the Bush administration - that the US must be prepared to take pre-emptive action against new security threats.
The best evidence is what he said, especially since he repeated it so many times and since it was central to the doctrine of pre-emptive action, which some Democrats criticized, but all understood was predicated on acting before a threat became imminent.
But in setting a timeline for development of an Iranian nuclear weapon that is longer than the more urgent one usually cited by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr. Obama appeared to be tamping down any expectations for pre-emptive action against Iran while aiming to assure its closest Mideast ally of U.S. support.
If bad things are happening to plants, he surmises, that is a reason for pre-emptive animal action.
The presence of U.S. troops on the Golan would increase the likelihood of U.S. opposition to pre-emptive military action by Israel, no matter how urgent or well-advised.
On the issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions, Lord Rosser said "sanctions are now beginning to put considerable pressure on the Iranian regime" and urged against any pre-emptive military action.
Prepare pre-emptive and retaliatory economic action in event of oil crisis.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 7-Eleven cuts off Chavez; it��s about time
The National Farmers' Union (NFU) said it reluctantly accepted the pre-emptive cull but others are warning of direct action against the measure.
To that end, pre-emptive intelligence, often acquired by unconventional means, is the feedstock of sensible anticipatory action.