Similarly, UNESCO noted that the net enrolment ratio (NER) in pre-primary education in 2005 for children aged 3 to 5 years was 46 per cent which suggest that well over half the pre-school aged population has no access to ECE.
UNESCO: The Mother-Child Home Education Programme (MOCEP)
Welcoming the progress that has been made in in pre-primary education since 2000, Irina Bokova pointed out that nonetheless only 15 percent children are enrolled in pre-primary education in Sub-Saharan Africa, 19 percent in Arab States, 28 percent in Central Asia and 36 percent South and West Asia.
UNESCO: Education
The Sejong Project will support TNCU s programme to improve the capacity of multi-lingual teachers, increase enrolment of pre- and primary education and enhance parents participation in education.
UNESCO: Comisiones Nacionales para la
After gaining independence from France in 1953, Cambodia made concerted efforts to promote universal access to education by the expanding the provision of pre-primary, primary, secondary and tertiary education across the country.
UNESCO: Room to Read: Local Language Publishing Programme
Most commonly collected data are limited to health outcomes for children ages 0-3 and pre-primary and primary education indicators for older children.
Enrolment in pre-primary, secondary and tertiary education has also grown by more than 60% during the same period.
Although Peru offers free and compulsory pre-primary, primary and secondary education (i.e. up to 16 years), only 42.5% of the poor complete primary education, while 13.1% receive no formal education whatsoever.
UNESCO: Country Profile: Peru
Unison said it would ballot its members in the pre-school, nursery, primary and secondary education sectors on industrial action in response to the cuts.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Board cuts lead to resignations
Most of them in a context of an expanded vision of basic education for all that should go from one year of pre-primary across to the lower secondary school cycle.
Mexico has one of the highest rates of pre-primary school enrolment among OECD countries, but only under half of students complete secondary education, according to an OECD report in 2012.
BBC: Mexico's Pena Nieto enacts major education reform