He needs to be a salesman and a preacher to woo consumers, employees and investors.
One leader who has recently come into the fold is the Shia preacher, Muqtada al-Sadr.
Hutterites are an Anabaptist sect, founded by Austrian preacher Jakob Hutter, in the 16th Century.
But he actually got his start as a PR guy for a TV preacher.
And Mr Graham was not quite the bland preacher of consensus that he now appears.
The son of a preacher, Curseen was himself "a very religious man, " Jones said.
Her father, a Methodist lay preacher, was active in local politics and a major early influence.
Newtown's Pastor Rocky Veach had been a preacher in Littleton, Colorado, when the Columbine shooting occurred.
Like many who come to the site, Bill Wallace, a preacher from Clovis, N.
They have no single leader, or preacher, and share equally in the running of the group.
He originally wanted to be a preacher, he told American Profile magazine in a 2005 piece.
His gospel - delivered with the intensity of a preacher - is "no software".
Mr. JAGGER: (Singing) I hear a preacher on the corner ranting like a crazy man.
The preacher left Long Lartin prison in Worcestershire at around 2020 BST on Tuesday night.
Becoming an evangelical preacher in Brazil is the dream of many young people across the country.
They became the preacher's essential aid in spreading the Christian belief: that Jesus was God incarnate.
Yet for all the admiration he attracts, many details of the preacher's life remain elusive.
Huckabee, a former Baptist preacher is running an almost purely sectoral campaign for the evangelical vote.
An unusually animated Gore introduced Clinton in Illinois, with a sort of modified fiery-Southern-preacher style of oratory.
Elizabeth Smart, whom we found after she was held for nine months by a so-called street preacher.
They went to this church, see, and this preacher told them she was a gift from God.
The 82-year-old preacher from Alabama said he didn't think his departed ancestors would mind suddenly becoming Georgians.
WSJ: In Latest War Between the States, Georgia Says Tennessee Is All Wet
Lawyers for Mr Zavala, an evangelical preacher who says he can "cure" gay people, said he wouldappeal.
There is Dylan the prophet, the enigma, the innovator, the restless lover, the preacher and the outlaw.
"But I'm a woman of faith, " said Thomas, a preacher's daughter with strong ties to her church.
Among several others, a trendy young Muslim preacher from Yemen, Habib Ali al-Jifri, also heeded the call.
The chapel once hosted the famous preacher Evan Roberts, leader of the Welsh religious revival of 1904-05.
The former Baptist preacher attributed his success to a message that combined social conservatism with economic populism.
William Jennings Bryan was a liberal Democrat, a prohibitionist Presbyterian preacher, and an advocate of a silver-based currency.
To those who didn't buy the economic argument, he switched to preacher mode and offered a spiritual pitch.